Where to dispose of fish?


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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Well my mollie decided it was time to leave this earth... What do I do with her now? I have her in a platic baggie wrapped in toliet paper.
Thanks :unsure:
Well most people chuck them in the bin but i like to bury my dead fish in a little crypt i made in my back garden out of stone slabs left over from the garen wall; my old hamster is also buried there.
You can put the fish in a little decorated box with some fish flakes in it for it in the after life and bury it somwhere, no?
When my betta died i drew a little picture of him with his still living fishy companions in his box/coffin. I know i am an adult and it seems childish but i think all pets deserve a proper burial for the love they have showed you...
I was planning to do what Tokis-Phoenix said about putting them in the garden whenever my fish die. Cept the afterlife bit i dont believe in.
Flushing them is really not the best choice. Personally, I wrap them up in a paper towel and dispose of them in the garbage.
Y2J said:
I was planning to do what Tokis-Phoenix said about putting them in the garden whenever my fish die. Cept the afterlife bit i dont believe in.
well whatever realy, doesn't realy matter what you believe in i just think its nicer for the poor little things than flushing them down the toilet or chucking them in the garbage. I think also it helps you let go if you got realy attached to it and it is a more better way to show respect.
You will probably have to expect more fish deaths as you progress in the hobby as we all do although i know thats no consolation, but i hope you aern't left too hurt by its death; bad stuff happens but as long as you always have the best intentions in mind im sure you will make a great fish keeper :thumbs:
When my m.betta died i was realy depressed and almost considered giving up fish keeping but i know i couldn't have done any more to help than what i did.

Are you going to get a replacement fish?
germanshepherdlver said:
flush mine!
Well think about it this way; if you had a pet dog which you dearly loved and it died and you had a massive toilet which it could fit down, would you flush it down the toilet?
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Y2J said:
I was planning to do what Tokis-Phoenix said about putting them in the garden whenever my fish die. Cept the afterlife bit i dont believe in.
well whatever realy, doesn't realy matter what you believe in i just think its nicer for the poor little things than flushing them down the toilet or chucking them in the garbage. I think also it helps you let go if you got realy attached to it and it is a more better way to show respect.
You will probably have to expect more fish deaths as you progress in the hobby as we all do although i know thats no consolation, but i hope you aern't left too hurt by its death; bad stuff happens but as long as you always have the best intentions in mind im sure you will make a great fish keeper :thumbs:
When my m.betta died i was realy depressed and almost considered giving up fish keeping but i know i couldn't have done any more to help than what i did.

Are you going to get a replacement fish?
Ah i havent got any fish yet. My tank is cycling, getting fish tuesday. I hope they make it but everyone talks as if they will die being starter fish...Whenever a fish dies i was going to dig them a grave out of respect but now i just thought perhaps wraping them in toliet paper(or something else) and giving them a kinda cremation. I dont really believe in spirits and what have u but not against the idea either and saying goodbye and releasing their spirit into the air through the smoke sounded kinda nice.

Will decide when the day comes which i hope is a long time away :)
there dead and they cant feel anything take it out of the bag and flush it :/

sry bout ur fish :byebye:
it cant feel once its dead!I do everything i can to make my fish happy when theyre alive but when there gone there gone!

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