So whats a good price for a 10 Gal then?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Southern England
Right - I know this question is akin to asking how long a piece of string is, however...

I'm currently in the market for a ten gallon starter kit (am considering smaller, for betta only and bigger for easier water stability more fish etc) the tanks i've come across are in the £70-£100 price bracket. These include brands such as Rena and Fluval.

My question is how reasonable is this price wise?

On a quick net search I found 10 gal kits in the US for a fraction (comparitivly) of what i'm about to pay here in the UK

A couple of people have told me that the kits normally work out as a better deal than buying bits seperately

Is this just another example of rip off Britain or have I looked in all the wrong places?

Think 10 gal UK is about 12 US...not certain though
That (considering exchange rates) is worth about £15 - but before I get too annoyed i'd be guessing thats just the barebones tank? Please tell me it is :rolleyes: I did look at getting a clearseal but the hoods with lights were about £20 by themselves ... and thats before considering heater filter etc..
I got a 13.5 gallon tank the other day from pets at home. £70.. with it the heater, filter, light/connected in the roof, temperature reader, some fake plants, food and some water treatment products.

Since then (tuesday) i ve bought real plants, gravel, 2 rocks/toy things, a fishing net, a big pot of food, 3 other water testing treatments, water test kit :). £120 in all roughly. Some of the stuff wasnt needed though was just me buying anything i saw :unsure:

I am still lacking a fish bucket.. it will be mine

and getting a bigger tank in 5 or 6 weeks. Hopefully at least 40 gallons :D
Y2J said:
I got a 13.5 gallon tank the other day from pets at home. £70...
Got a pic handy? I saw one at that price there the other day but could have sworn it was smaller than 13.5 :blink:
I can get a 10gal here in the US for 10$ at Petsmart.

dunno how that converts in UK.

Wolfdog said:
I can get a 10gal here in the US for 10$ at Petsmart.

dunno how that converts in UK.
Think thats about 8 UK Gallons - but is a fraction of the price I'd pay for one here :angry:
i got my ten gallon and heater filter yadda yadda for 80 total that included the nice hood and flourescent light. pretty good deal with nice equipment for the tank.

The filter is at the back now and the heater behind it in that pic is where the filter is.(looks better) The fake plants are no longer there and the rock thing i bought for £5.. i named it pride rock from the movie the lion king ;) but thats also been moved to a different location.

The box said 13.5 gallons so im trusting the box :nod:

I cant get to the digi cam at the moment or i would of taken a pic of what it looks like now.
Yup light glo and the make i dunno. I've gotten rid of the box sorry :*) and it doesnt say on the tank. If u go to pets at home there wasnt many choices at least at my store so u should be able to tell which it is by the price if your store is anything the same as mine :)
Y2J said:
Yup light glo and the make i dunno. I've gotten rid of the box sorry :*) and it doesnt say on the tank. If u go to pets at home there wasnt many choices at least at my store so u should be able to tell which it is by the price if your store is anything the same as mine :)
Yeah thats the funny thing. They had some tall ones with mirrored backs and sorta hex fronts (seen those on the net as well) and they had a kit similar to the way yours looks but on the box it had Rena on the bottom left of the tank. The other ones were on stands and were Juwels and Fluvals.

Ah well maybe the box lies ;)
the ones that come as a kit usually have not so good filters in them. My girlfriend got one and the filter only does 2 of the 3 filtrations. It has no sponge or wheel so just a bacterial filter, so yeah...

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