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  1. sketchy

    New Filter

    cheers for that. both of those filters do it about 10 times per hour.! going for some sparkling clean fish water by the looks of it!
  2. sketchy

    Lfs And The Fishless Cycle

    i decided to lie, after some new girl in the shop started asking questions, and even when i clearly knew and understood what i was ranting on about she decided to stand there and argue.! and then when she realised, she decided to pretend to know exactly what i was rambling on about and just...
  3. sketchy

    New Filter

    ok, its about time for a new filter me thinks. getting fed up with the crappy internal one that came with the tank. it clogs too easily and i've been banned from modifying it :crazy: so i've decided on one of the tetratec EX series as i've heard nothing but praise about them my question is...
  4. sketchy

    Off Topic Board

    i think it would be a good idea - most forums have one and it can be either a place to stick general questions/topics that dont really fit in anywhere else or to just ask general questions/post topics that arent realated to fish in any way. just a suggestion cheers sam
  5. sketchy

    Do You Think There A Difference In Male And Female Fishkeepers.

    i think were missing the obvious difference here... i dont know about that...wouldnt call myself organised really...
  6. sketchy

    Setting Up And Choosing Fish For A Beginners Tank

    ottos should be ok in a mature tank. i've never kept them, but from what i have read most are imported and require a mature tank (with a fair bit of algae) to survive the first few months. once your past that they should be ok. well, thats what i have read anyway. ottos are definately a good...
  7. sketchy

    Brown Algae

    try doing a forum search, i found a sticky somewhere all about algae, and there are a few threads kicking about with some great info check this out there are plenty of helpful topics here, the one about algae is the first on the page
  8. sketchy

    Spray Bar

    pretty self explanitory...but they are a bar that sits on the top of the tank, ofter just above the water surface. it sprays water back into the tank from the external filter. using one of these would increase surface agitation greatly so that oxygen can diffuse into the water more...
  9. sketchy

    Setting Up And Choosing Fish For A Beginners Tank

    well first of all you will need a fresh water test kit. i use the API master test kit cos its cheap and still contins all the main tests. once you have completed the fishless cycle you should be able to stick them all in within a short space of time as all your benificial bacteri would have...
  10. sketchy

    My Tank Fell Over!

    :angry: i was hoping for stories of carnage :angry:
  11. sketchy

    Money Saving Thread

    ebay... :good:
  12. sketchy

    Brown Algae

  13. sketchy

    Filter Size

    hi all. i am upgrading soon and was wondering if i would be able to use a filter reccomended for tanks up to 300l (ecco 2236) in a 200l tank or would i be better off going for the smaller equivelent that goes up to 200l. cheers sam
  14. sketchy

    Automatic Feeder Recomendations

    sorry to steal your thread - but no-one replied to mine yesterday! would fry be ok for a week without food? we have an automatic feeder for the main tank, but we have 2 fry in a seperate tank. ones big enough for the main tank now, but the other is still a little small. u think he would be ok...
  15. sketchy

    Feeding Fry

    i have an automatic feeder - heard bad things about the blocks. unfortunately though it will massively over feed them
  16. sketchy

    Feeding Fry

    hmm...this one has been bugging me for a while now. i'm off home for the holidays (well, part of them) and unfortunately i have no-one to feed the fish :crazy: we got one of those holiday feeders and it seems to be ok for the main tank. however, we have two fry in our hospital tank. the...
  17. sketchy

    It's A Good Thing That I'm Not A Mod Because...

    i vote for this guy... :hyper:
  18. sketchy

    Fickin, Or Ichin

    this is simply how fish scratch themselves if they get an itch. as long as theyre not doing it loads i wouldnt worry about it. all my fish do from time to time :good:
  19. sketchy

    Bio Balls And Filter Replacement

    awesome. cheers for the advice. i have a bit of a thing against extension leads. may sound wierd, but once you've had a mains electric shock from one you think twice about using them again! :blink:
  20. sketchy

    Bio Balls And Filter Replacement

    hi all! i know you probaby get sick of people asing how to change their filters over to a new tank etc so i apolagise! however, i couldnt find the answer to this: i'm not surewhat filter i have as it came as part of a package and doesnt seem to have it written on it anywhere! but anyway, its...
  21. sketchy

    You Know Ur Addicted To Fishkeeping When...

    either that or you keep all your smaller tanks, even though you dont have room for them or the money! however, i think your ideas better! help pay for the new upgrade!
  22. sketchy

    How Have You Raised Money?

  23. sketchy

    How Have You Raised Money?

    HA! thats the way to go about it mate!
  24. sketchy

    Plants ?

    pros: they compete with algae so should help keep it down in my lfs theyre cheaper than fake plants! if you get the right ones you dont really need to do anything to them cons: they die...
  25. sketchy

    How Have You Raised Money?

    yea, i do that. tip: £1 coins go nicely into a large grolsche bottle (you know - the cool ones with the wafty lid!) and theyre a pain to get out so your not tempted! i managed to save about 90 quid last term out of my loose pound coins. all very well til my best mate from home came up and i...
  26. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?!

    fair play. maybe i'm the boring minority then! :blush: just wondered if there was a particular reason or something
  27. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?!

    because you sound exciting when you call it! my mums 2 labs come running if you shout anything that sounds interesting, but if theyre barking and i'm standing in the door trying to avoid going out there cos its pissing with rain, they wont come no matter what i scream at them! :angry:
  28. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?!

    i find colour coding works well with my missus. "put some food in from the BROWN tub. foolproof! :good:
  29. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?! maks so much more sense..! :good:
  30. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?!

    but why not just say 'cleaned the fish' surely you must get asked 'who's ares' then you would have to explain anyway. fish just seems to cover it all!
  31. sketchy

    Why Name Your Fish?!

    i dont mean to offend any of you who do.... but i have noticed that a fair few seem to name their fish.... WHY do you name your fish??! if something wont come to you when you call it, why give it a name?! i just call mine fish or any such word that pops into my head at the time! :blink...
  32. sketchy


    a de-humidifyer will simply draw water from the air - it cant get water from the tank until it has already evaporated! and it will normally collect the water in a resivoir in the bottom so if you really want to, you could put it straight back into the thank, although i'm not sure if it would...
  33. sketchy

    Oto Gone..

    invest in a hospital tank! they dont have to be dear - i got one set up t'other week for around 30 quid which isnt too tragic! handy things to have, were now using it to house a (single) fry that popped up randomly. think it must have stowed away with some new inhabitants. as for pouring the...
  34. sketchy

    Newbie Questions....!

    boots sell household ammonia in their laundry aids dept. only about £1.75 a bottle. :good:
  35. sketchy

    Goldfish Food

    hold on a minute...i'll go check..! :hyper:
  36. sketchy

    Help Nitrate Rise, Corys Seem Destressed

    i wouldnt worry too much. if theyre sitting at the top for long periods of time gasping for air, i would be concernd. you could always adjust the filter to cause as much surface agitation as possible to help airate the tank or add an air pump with an air stone or something if your worried...
  37. sketchy

    Water Stats

    if your in the UK, boots sell household ammonia - i used it for my cycle. about 2 quid a bottle. they do hide it away though! ask some-one in the shop for it, or the laundry aids - its with them in a white bottle with a red lid if i remember corretly
  38. sketchy

    Fahaka Puffer With Possible White Spot?

    hi, i would like to mention that i am not farmilliar with this particular fish. a picture showing the spot may help other members identify the spot. if they are symetrical, they may well be a feature. you may want to isolate the fish from any others in the tank while you work out whats wrong...
  39. sketchy

    Help Nitrate Rise, Corys Seem Destressed

    are you talking about nitrites or seem to be switching between the two a little! nitrites t 10 ppm is pretty high, your fish wont like that too much, but 10ppm nitrates is pretty low. there seem to be varying opinions about this, but many say that anything under 100ppm is...
  40. sketchy

    How Many Fish For Tank

    maybe its that they like angel fish a little too much... :blush: