How Have You Raised Money?


I'm a girl.
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
Orlando, FL, USA
What crazy things have you done to get the next big tank? I've been thinking about selling the majority of my tanks and having a huge garage sale, so I can afford a 125gl, but it's going to take a while. When I worked at a LFS, most of my money went into mts and when the LFS closed, I got a lot of empty tanks (doh!). So what have you done?
Poked my bf until he went out and got another :p lol

Nah.. seriously..........

I just used the food money he gave me when he went out of town for a few days to buy my 10gallon tank..... muahaha
And our new little hex... I just got him to see the light of getting a bigger Q/H tank :D

Not sure what I'll have to do to get my 55+ gallon tank... heh...
well what i did was i started off putting away 50 dollars to start me off then, now what im doing is i save all the coin change i get and when it gets to be a good amount i turn it into cash. The other thing i do to add to that is everytime u buy something, any 1 dollar bills you get back, put them away. they really start to add up. i have been saving using those two ways for 2 and half months and i have 210 dollars saved and its not taking much money away from spending money to go out and stuff.

Good Luck
i just spend the money that should go into doing the house up and clearing debts to pay for fishy stuff instead :rolleyes: not a case of raising money as such as i earn an alright wage, not loads but enough to get by on, i just sometimes choose to spend it on thing i shouldnt
well its even harder when your at school, i sell the occasional guppy etc and starting to sell corys soon, paper round and odd jobs like washing cars etc, also save your school dinner money and thats £10 a week,
May have to do that £1 thing so any one pound coins will go into a little bottle or somthing
Since I'm still at school I get all of $5 Au as allowance. I forget about the money most of the time, and then check out how much I have, find $200 has miraculously appeared in my account and go buy another tank... LOL can you tell I generally don't care about money? But I think my MTS is growing rapidly, now have 5 tanks going and am looking at a sixth LOL.
well what i did was i started off putting away 50 dollars to start me off then, now what im doing is i save all the coin change i get and when it gets to be a good amount i turn it into cash. The other thing i do to add to that is everytime u buy something, any 1 dollar bills you get back, put them away. they really start to add up.

yea, i do that.
tip: £1 coins go nicely into a large grolsche bottle (you know - the cool ones with the wafty lid!) and theyre a pain to get out so your not tempted!
i managed to save about 90 quid last term out of my loose pound coins. all very well til my best mate from home came up and i ended up pissing it all away in the pub! :crazy:
My little brother filled a 1.5L Grolsh bottle with pound coins. When it was full, the £800 (!) paid for him to go to Mexico with Mrs little brother.
I don't raise money, when I want something I just buy it :lol:
Unfortunately things I need might get neglected though but I just can't help it.
I setup my first tank 2 months ago and I still haven't completly finished it, I've bought my 2nd tank which is waiting to be setup, and I'm already planning my 3rd :hyper:

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