Do You Think There A Difference In Male And Female Fishkeepers.

women can multitask
it tried multitasking once, perform a water change and talk in the chat room
result a tank full, and I mean full, of water. another second it would've overflowed
Have to admit I'm not a gadget person, which seems gender correct as far as that goes.

But then I can't stick bettas or goldfish either. At least not fancy goldfish. In fact, I don't like anything over fancy; I like fish to have the natural amount of finnage evolved in the wild, not all these long-finned danios and rosy barbs. And swimming ability counts for a lot with me.

I do like small fish (real woman here) but not particularly the pretty ones. A pike livebearer is what I mean by a beautiful fish. Then again, I don't insist on aggression or predatory qualities either. I like fish like the heterandrias and the merry widows, fish that basically get on with their lives and ignore me. Oh, and loricariids- I could seriously go to town on loricariids.
Lets face it to keep fish we all must be mad and sad. Males have to adapt that to agression where as the female has to make it into molly coddling.
Like having a pint few woman like it although some do and then a few men will sip wine or spirits but then again few do.

What it amount to is there is no right no wrong.

Woman can act like men and vice versa but are woman really more patient than men?
im a little late w/ the reply, but i hav small fish, mosquito fish, otos, guppies, snails. but thats cuz i hav small tanks. if i had a bigger tank, lets say a 50gal, my fish would most likely be cichilids, little sharks, any bigger fish u can fit in that size tank. BTW im a gurl. -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy

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