Water Stats

if your in the UK, boots sell household ammonia - i used it for my cycle. about 2 quid a bottle. they do hide it away though! ask some-one in the shop for it, or the laundry aids - its with them in a white bottle with a red lid if i remember corretly
aquarium pharmaceuticals and the tank is 20 litres

arnt my stats safe to have fish in it... does it matter that nitrate is 0

they are safe to have fish in, however if you put fish in now they won't be safe in a day or two!!!
i live in australia... cant find ammonia anywhere... why will they not be ok after 2 days?
have a read of this

your stats are fine now, but the fish will start producing ammonia and as the filter isn't cycled it won't be able to deal with it.
hmm so if i cycle with just one fish... at the end will it get diseases or anything... disease the tank or anything...

and what fish can i use to do this?
it's strange that your water has tested negative. are you using distilled water or something
nothings negative its all 0. ph is 7. using normal water from the tap lol.
thats what i mean, you should definitely be seeing ammonia if you have been putting 5 flakes of food in your water for five days, and in only a 20L tank. your ammonia tests should be positively showing ammonia at some number between 1-5 i would have thought. if your tank was producing enough nitrosoma/nitrobacter bacteria to drop this to nli, then you would have a reading for nitrites, yet you state this is nil. very strange. thats why i asked if it is distilled water. it's almost as though your water is too pure for anything to live in it. i'm stumped
im stumped as well... ive been adding twice as much flakes see if it makes a difference..
Have you thought about getting your tank cycled using BioSpira beneficial bacteria made by MarineLand? You can read my recent post on the topic.
Odds are that the fish food has not decayed enough to produce any appreciable amount of ammonia.
Odds are that the fish food has not decayed enough to produce any appreciable amount of ammonia.

thats what i thought. it doesn't get into your water instantly like pure ammonia will, it takes a couple of days to even register, so you need to wait a couple more days to see if the increased amount makes any odds

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