It's A Good Thing That I'm Not A Mod Because...


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
It's a good thing that I'm not a mod because I can think of a certain member that I would ban for being a twit right now. :lol:

Why should you NOT be a moderator?
I shouldn't be a mod because I give crap advice. :blush:

I hope you don't consider me a twit, Pica. :shifty:
naw, KJ, you're a sweetheart.

ok, people, i'm waiting... don't tell me you can't think of a single way to abuse The Power. :p
i'm far too tempermental :rolleyes:

when i'm in a mood i loose all sense of perspective and can be a right cow, look back at things i've posted sometimes and i'm ashamed :blush:

also I'd rig the POTM competition so my kitties win all the time :p :D
Why should you NOT be a moderator?

What, apart form the fact that I know diddly squat about fishies, you mean :lol: ?

Well, other than that, even though what I know about fish could be written on the back of a small stamp, with room to spare for a couple of sonnets, I can still tell a troll or an idiot when I see one, and I generally just put them on ignore. So as a mod, the first I'd know about a problem is when some seemingly innocuous thread title has 256 replies and 5000 hits, and the whole thing has gone to you-know-where in a handbasket :lol:
I should not be a Mod, as if i'm on my meds i am fine. Otherwise i'd be effing and jeffing all over the place and banning people.
have to involved and know what u are doing basally a lot of pressure and hard work
I shouldn't be a mod as i'm to soft and would let you get away with murder. :lol:

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