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  1. sketchy

    Rewarding Fish.

    I'm currently trying to re-stock my tank after the other fish have gradually dropped off. I'm now left with two featherfin cats and two rams. I'll also want to be getting a schooling fish of some kind, but am not too sure what yet. Had Danios before, but they don't seem to agree with my or my...
  2. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    It so far seems to have worked. The new ram is now eating (one unfortunately died), and is looking much healthier and is out exploring the tank. I thought that he may have had white spot this morning, as when I woke up, there was a large white spot on one of the fins, but after coming back...
  3. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    Alright guys, cheers for the input so far. Just an update as to what I have done. I have set up my hospital tank, and strangely enough, put the old ish in. Now I know you're supposed to put the new fish in, but the shop I get them from has always been very good, and I've never has a diseased...
  4. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    Thanks, this sounds like a good plan to me. I might put the bully fish into a hospital tank for a day or two and then re-introduce him and see what happens.
  5. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    OK, water stats are: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: I don't know because I've lost the colour chart. But as I said, I did a water change yesterday, and our tap water here has a particularly low amount of nitrate - I remember it being hard to decide if it was 0 or 20ppm out of the tap...
  6. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    The tank's a 90l, and yes, it may seem a bit odd buying more - but as I said before, getting the original to accept food on his own can sometimes be difficult. I deliberately got much larger rams in the hope that the original would leave them alone, and it appears that he has throughout most of...
  7. sketchy

    Aggressive Ram

    Alright guys, I'm hoping that some-one can help me. In my tank I have a Golden Ram. I originally bought 3, so that it wouldn't be lonely. At the time I also had 6 Danios. Anyway, one of the rams seems overly aggressive towards other fish, and you catch him fin-nipping, and generally...
  8. sketchy


    That's good to know - cheers. So far mine have shown little interest in the heater, but as there is some algae growing near the bottom of it, I fear that the temptation of a tasty treat may be too much for them! For now I'll keep a close eye on them, and when I get the time (or a slow Sunday...
  9. sketchy


    I've also just spotted that they are know to live in excess of 20 years! :hyper: That means I'll still have them in my 40's! That's mad!
  10. sketchy

    Rams. This link seems to have a bit of info on it, and the picture is good. I think I now know what my mystery fish is! :good: Only downside is that they can easily grow to around 20cm...and I have 3 of them! I don't want to give them up - they're...
  11. sketchy


    Hi all. I am after some Rams, preferably German blue, but I fear these may be relatively hard to come by, but either way, I would quite like some Rams of some description, as I have never kept these fish before. My question is - How many shall I get? I'm not after a huge number of the fish...
  12. sketchy

    Just A Mad Slate Thing

    When doing the slate things I made recently, I found that you had to use a lot more than I expected to get a good bond. I imagine this is due to the imperfections between the mating surfaces meaning only a small part of the rock is toutching.
  13. sketchy

    Here's An Interesting Thought...

    Good stuff! I've been looking for a project for the holidays, this could well be it. Not much of a big project, but its a start!
  14. sketchy

    Not Another Sand Question!

    Home-base do coloured sand - or at least they always used to. Last time I went in, they only had purple (It was for the reptile tank), but I'd assume they do other colours
  15. sketchy

    Filter Changing Advice

    Firstly, what filter do you have? Secondly, what kind of sponges does it have? Coarse sponges can be rinsed in a bucket of tank water to clean the gunk off of them. Finer sponges tend not to be so durable, and will need replacing from time to time. If by replacing the sponge, you are...
  16. sketchy

    So What Has Tff Done For You?

    Ive learnt of a new place to waste my time whilst I should be revising :P
  17. sketchy

    Putting Down Your First Fish :(

    Without coming off as a bit of an #### (thats really not my intention), in my opinion, if you want to keep fish (or any animal for that matter. Especially companion animals such as dogs) you have to be responsible enough to euthanize your pets when their time comes. If you cant deal with...
  18. sketchy

    Here's An Interesting Thought...

    CO2 is something I considered adding to my old tank a while ago, and have recently invested in a new tank. I have been reading into how I would go about adding this to my tank, and think I may as well try a DIY jobby and see if it really benifits my tank (it's not heavily planted at all...
  19. sketchy

    Just A Mad Slate Thing

    Slate looks so much better once it's in the tank, so I think it will look sweet once inside, maybe with some longer plants hiding it to a small extent Nice job :good:
  20. sketchy

    Stupid Lfs....

    Last time I did that, they went from being all 'knowledgeable' to very quiet in about 1.5 seconds :rolleyes:
  21. sketchy

    Is It Possible To Have A Tropical Tank In A Conservatory

    I would have thought if you had a good air conditiong unit, you would be able to keep a steady temperature in the daytime, however i'm not entirely sure on this! Failing that, there are a few threads in the Hardware section about fitting a tank hood with fans (one input and one output) to help...
  22. sketchy

    Gravel/bottom Feeders - Info Request

    The pepered corys in my old tank did well on a gravel substrate. I had to feed them sinking algae pellets and the like (although the platties and guppies ended up eating them instead!!) If there is a large amount of surplus food reaching the bottom of the tank, perhaps you are feeding them a...
  23. sketchy

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    UPDATED RUNNING TOTAL = 11515 :rolleyes: Maybe next week I can be a little more constructive...
  24. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Cor' Blimey!! Just thought I'd add to this a little bit with my progress! (A few hours is making all the difference!) I got bored earlier on and ran al the tests! The whole load! pH crash! OH NOES!!! (I've evidently been forgetting to check that for a few days!) Did about a 90% water...
  25. sketchy

    Row Over Fish In Urinal

    Wikipedia's take on urine Human pee itself contains no ammonia, but urea instead. Although this is probably toxic in large quantities, it is much less toxic than ammonia itself. However, given time, urea will decompose to form ammonia, hence the reason that stale pee (and the gents in the...
  26. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Yea, genetics truly isn't my strong subject! :blush:
  27. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Analytical and Organic chemistry, followed by Human physiology and some ginetics one. And as for re-creating the profile picture - I doubt it! I got quite royally told off shortly after that picture was taken for spilling beer all down her!! :rolleyes:
  28. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    And to be fair - coming up to exam time, I don't think I can afford to have yet another distraction to keep me away from my studydin! Its bad enough thinking about fish, so god only knows what I'd be like if I had fish to stare at instead of bubbles!!!
  29. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Thanks very much for that! I figured the filter would sort itself out rather quickly! Now, to wait for my water to settle down! (the tanks right next to my bed, so I can't help but look at it, and it's getting somewhat boring watching bubbles, and the odd up-rooted plant floating about...
  30. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Woop! Only thing I'm concerned about is the fact that i'm only going to be half stocking my tank to start with as some of the fish I want to be adding are a little more sensitive that ones I've kept in the past, so I dont want to be adding them for a few months anyway (or at least not 'till I...
  31. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    Thanks very much. If I'm honest, I haven't been checking the nitrites at all really, as untill the ammonia is dropped that quickly I dont have to worry about nitrite levels. I was just thrown by the (very) sudden change, from off the charts to none at all!
  32. sketchy

    Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

    This morning I checked my Nitrites, and they were off the scale. Just now the test's coming back as clear blue as a very clear blue thing! Ammonia has also dropped rather quickly in comparison to previous days. Anyone have any ideas??? :blink: EDIT: I'm in week 2 and a bit of a fishelss...
  33. sketchy

    A Newbie, But A Silly Question

    I think the problem might be using orange squash. Fish dont like oranges. FACT! They keep choking on the pips and don't like getting sticky fingers when they peel them. Try again with black current and see what happens
  34. sketchy

    Is This Possible?

    If you could lay your hands on the right chemicals, then yes it would. (Just had a look at mine, and they dont tell you what chemicals are in them!) The only problem would be, that you would have to callibrate each test individually with known concentrations of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as...
  35. sketchy

    I Seem To Be Bypassing My Nitrite Spike

    Not quite the end of term for me yet - exams to come! Then let the childish shenanigens begin! *plots away* :shifty:
  36. sketchy

    Ph 8.2

    Playing about with pH is a tricky thing to do, and many members on here reccomend leaving it be and planning your stocking around the tap pH. Or, the alternative is to re-fill your tank with bottled water, which should have a pH much nearer to 7
  37. sketchy

    I Seem To Be Bypassing My Nitrite Spike

    Yea, tap water pH is about 7.6. I'd be keen to test it in the lab to see just how accurate the API tests are. However, labs are now over for this term! Woop!
  38. sketchy

    I Seem To Be Bypassing My Nitrite Spike

    Awesome - I'll keep an eye on that. Just water changes if it does aye?
  39. sketchy

    I Seem To Be Bypassing My Nitrite Spike

    Cheers! Its ony 8ppm as of this morning. For the last 3 days or so I have been topping up to 4ppm daily. I think I just did the lid up too tight and split the top! It's going to be a couple of weeks anyway before I can even consider getting fish, so the tank should be uber cycled by then!
  40. sketchy

    I Seem To Be Bypassing My Nitrite Spike

    :blink: I'm half way through a fishless cycle now, ammonia is being processed (4-5ppm in 24 hours-ish). However, nitrites only showed up on the one or two tests a few days ago. Probably about 0.25 ppm, although it can always be hard to tell with the tests - but by any means, not the huge...