

Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
aberdeen, scotland
Hi all. I am after some Rams, preferably German blue, but I fear these may be relatively hard to come by, but either way, I would quite like some Rams of some description, as I have never kept these fish before.

My question is - How many shall I get? I'm not after a huge number of the fish, but was thinking maybe a pair to display as a 'centrepiece'. After looking at the guides in the 'fish species index' on here, they do not say. I know some fish do better in groups etc.

The tank is approximately 90l, and the current inhabitants are 6 golden danios and 3 mystery cori catfish (you may be able to help me here - the LFS weren't too sure what they were, but they have very defined spots and tall fins. Stunning fish). The tank has been up and running for a fair while now (I foget the date exactly, but at least 6 months I think, as I know Rams require a mature tank).

Unfortunately I don't have recent pictures of them (just tried, but they're hiding pretty well!). Nor the dorsal fins have grown massively - they're huge! It almost looks like they're spined, but they also seem to be pretty flexible too. These pictures are from when I first got them, several months ago:


amazing - that appears to be the same catfish as the other thread we were going on about the last few days where the "mystery" fish came in in a bunch of plants, not even underwater and lived

edit: ok, found it, its the thread titled "Realy Weird Story"[sic] and the OP is OZeN
Yer as i was looking at those pics i was like "OMG thats my mistery fish heheeh"
they are 100% like mine...

your pics are a lot cleared then mine tho..
Yer as i was looking at those pics i was like "OMG thats my mistery fish heheeh"
they are 100% like mine...

your pics are a lot cleared then mine tho..


This link seems to have a bit of info on it, and the picture is good. I think I now know what my mystery fish is! :good: Only downside is that they can easily grow to around 20cm...and I have 3 of them! I don't want to give them up - they're wonderful fish. Quite active little (at the moment) things. Mine are coming up to 2.5 inches just now, which I was led to believe was about the maximum size - Remember kids...do your research! I (stupidly) assumed as these were (sold as anyway) cory's that they would grow to no more than 3"! And after doing all that research on corys!
Think a new tank will be on the birthday wishlist! :rolleyes:

If you're still wondering ho to care for your little fella, mine seem to be active all day, but really come out after the lights are off. They have a bit of a strange temperment, in the sense that they are VERY timid most of the time. If they're eating an algae wafer and I move in the slightest, they run for cover! However, if you're in the tank they're un-phased by anything you do! I was trying to do a gravel vac yesterday, and they would not move! I had to poke one of them several times to get him out of my way!

They seem to like algae wafers. Mine are currently on 'King British algae wafers', but also seem to munch away on algae you have growing on rock surfaces (or in your case under the filter!). I would reccomend getting some slate in there, as mine love hanging upside down on the bottom of this nibbling away throughout the day. This doesn't have to be well hidden, mine do it in full view of the front of the tank. It's quite nice to have a catfish I can actually see, rather than some that hide for weeks on end!

They are quite active fish, with no part of the tank remaining un-explored, and with the lights out, you can see their dark sillouhettes darting from the bottom to the top, and all places in between. Mine seem to have a little lap that appears to be quite popular - from the bottom right rear corer, straight to the top, then darting straight accross to the bottom left of the tank into their slate piles!

As for the Rams, I have just invested in 2 gold rams. They both seem to be males from what I can make of it (they seem to have pointy tail fins). Will this be a problem? In all honesty, although I want a breeding pair, I probably shouldn't due to a relatively small (for now!) tank size. It was super hard to tell in the shop, and it's only now I have got them home that I have made this observation, although they are still in the bag and so may have their fins 'tucked in'.
I've also just spotted that they are know to live in excess of 20 years! :hyper: That means I'll still have them in my 40's! That's mad!
wow thanks alot for you help mate .. some realy good info there.. and 20cm :eek: wow lol

and yer im feeding mine on King British wafer as well... well today was the first time i gave him some and he didnt even touch it..

but yer he does have a particular rute he takes from under the filter to the bog wood to behind the heater lol... but hes brilliant

and thanks for the link
he does have a particular rute he takes from under the filter to the bog wood to behind the heater lol

Does your heater have a guard? Synodontids are notorious for getting heater burn from lying around the heater for too long. There was a member just yesterday that posted pics of what looked like heater burn on two S. eupterus.
no whats a heater guard... and he never stays there just swims past it.. and where can i get a heater guard
he does have a particular rute he takes from under the filter to the bog wood to behind the heater lol

Does your heater have a guard? Synodontids are notorious for getting heater burn from lying around the heater for too long. There was a member just yesterday that posted pics of what looked like heater burn on two S. eupterus.

That's good to know - cheers. So far mine have shown little interest in the heater, but as there is some algae growing near the bottom of it, I fear that the temptation of a tasty treat may be too much for them! For now I'll keep a close eye on them, and when I get the time (or a slow Sunday at work!) I'll make something up!

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