So What Has Tff Done For You?


Here to help
Apr 10, 2012
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I must admit, since i joined this forum and learned a lot more about diseases and meds and cycling new tanks etc, my tanks have run better than ever thanks to tff and its members..

What about you lot?
TFF gave me the confidense to stand up and tell the world...I like moss!!

...And really, helped me learn a great deal :) few new friends, good place to be all round!
Tff has shown me that it's perfectly normal to be obsessed with fish and fill your house with tanks. It's so nice to be able to talk about fish all day if I want and know that no one here is going to get bored. :good:
Tff has shown me that it's perfectly normal to be obsessed with fish and fill your house with tanks. It's so nice to be able to talk about fish all day if I want and know that no one here is going to get bored. :good:

Same, But ive also found that im not a freak for loving mbuna :D maybe outside of the african forum :shifty:

I have learnt that overfiltration is better then underfiltration :hyper: cycling etc......

and some people can be egits, but some people can be really nice people :good:
lets see,i have learnt about fishless cycling although i have 3 pretty beefy and expensive books on tropical fish and tanks all 3 mention it,and even go into detail on its purpose....but it doesnt say how to do thanx tff

i have also learnt that endlers exist and that shrimp are not as rubbish as they seem
OMG where do i start..

i dont murder as many fish as i used to,as with the knowledge ive picked up here, i know what im doing..and i wouldnt have have platy fry without the help of the OP- well i would have they just wouldnt have survived,made some good friends here,and when i get up at stupid o`clock cos i cant sleep i know that i dont have to sit and watch BBC news 24,i can logg on here and help and learn..i think with all the problems i had when i first started i may well have given up without TFF, all the time ive been a member i started with 1, 4ft tank then that crept up to 10( diff sizes) then down to 7 then back up to 9... not beacause anyone told me to get more, but it is preeettttttyyy addictive to say the least this hobby, always something new to try.
shelagh xxx
Wow so much.... It has taught me about fishless cycling, That over filtering is a good thing, That i dont have to waste monet changing filter cartiages every month, learned a bit about fish dillnesses, that all those really cool looking fish wont fit in my ten gallon tank. ummm ot has given me a place to pass the time while "working" allowed me to get help on stock ideas and introduced me to fish i hadnt seen before. allowed me to help others and probably much more.

Thanks Everyone At TFF,

Tff has shown me that it's perfectly normal to be obsessed with fish and fill your house with tanks. It's so nice to be able to talk about fish all day if I want and know that no one here is going to get bored. :good:
LOL...I hear ya dthoffsett. When I talk about fish with my family members they look at me and do the blink, blink motion with their eyes. I might as well be talking Spanish, Japanese, or whatever to them... :huh:

This forum has inspired me to have a "fish room" :nod: . It will be in our next house. I'd love to get a walk out basement and the fish room will be the family room area with the walk out door. It'd be soo much more interesting and inviting to go to than having 4 walls around me with tiny little windows (in a normal room in a basement..if any window at all).....sigh. My hubby has his gun/sporting goods room. I can have my "fish room". For some of the fish I'd like to have, I'd have to have one room in the basement just for that tank...a SW shark of some kind.....or a red tailed catfish. How I can dream....

I should have been a marine biologist :rolleyes: . .that's what I wanted to be in 10th grade. :lol: Maybe in my afterlife :rolleyes:

Anyway, I've learned a ton of awesome info here!! I've been keep fishing since elementary school(with the help of my mom back then), but I think I've learned more in the last 6 months than I had in the last 10 years!!!

THANK YOU to everyone out there who is willing to help and makes time for people who are new to certain aspects of fish keeping. For example, I'm going to start a brackish tank w/puffers and bbg's and I got quite a bit of help on the topic. And definitely thanks to everyone who's helped me with my new 125 gallon African Cichlid tank. I was asking sooo many questions left and right. I was totally new to Africans. I had only kept mollies, guppies, platy's and the like.

Soo to everyone out there willing to help....especially the Mods who have soo much work to do trying to keep this place tidy and help everyone, plus have their own lives

TTF has shown me its okay to be different, your not the only 14 year old who knows way to much about fish and has tooo many tanks, its also shown me some real good freinds, helps me understand how to better myself and my fishtanks and fish keeping abilities, how to type better( i post waayyyy too much), and has shown me that its perfectly acceptable to be myself.
Been reading for months before I even got fish, let alone registered - saved me from a lot of mistakes and bad purchases before I made them, and kept me from becoming a serial killer like a lot of new fish keepers do, since I went into it armed with more and better advice than most of the LFS people could offer - almost six months in and I've only lost two fish, one of them through no fault of my own (not sure about the other), and it's at least as much due to this site as my own skill (sorry if I take credit anyway :good: ).

When I finally did register, a few people also calmed me down from a panic attack when I thought I'd doomed my fish last month, and stopped me from doing anything that could just make matters worse.
This place has saved my fish on may occasions due to very understanding caring people.
It gave me someone to talk to when I had no one... I didn't know anyone that liked fish, and I was kind of looked at as strange for the way it consumed my life. TFF gave me a place to be me.
It was the only place that didn't think I was childish and stupid for crying when I lost a fish that I had had for a long time...
I have met so many amazing people here... The people here have helped me through many hard times with tanks, fish, and life. Without this place and these people... who knows what things would be like now...
Someone from here even saved me once when things got way too hard... and I don't even think she knows that she did it. She is now my very best friend.
There is also a man that became my friend when I didn't have anyone to talk to... He was kind and understanding and funny. He helped me get through some very tough times too. Amazingly enough... he probably has no clue what he did for me either... another of my best friends...
Come to think of it... all my best friends are here...

THANK YOU TFF!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so much more than a "fish forum"
(My fish have been saved from an ugly undeserved death many times by some of the great people here too!)

I love you all :D

.... and I am still long winded... :lol:

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