Whats Going On With My Cycle?!

we're going to get him to do our organic equations after this (we're gonna wait on the genetics until he can spell it :D )
we're going to get him to do our organic equations after this (we're gonna wait on the genetics until he can spell it :D )

Lol, I don't think that myself but refrained from saying anything. Have to rein in the pedantry sometimes :lol:

or we could have misunderstood, it could be the ever popular amongst students, study of gin class :D

i could do with some of that today.
Cor' Blimey!! Just thought I'd add to this a little bit with my progress! (A few hours is making all the difference!)

I got bored earlier on and ran al the tests! The whole load! pH crash! OH NOES!!! (I've evidently been forgetting to check that for a few days!)

Did about a 90% water change, and bought the ammonia levels back up to 4ppm (I think I may have gone a little over, but meh!). Not really sure what time this was, no more than 3 hours ago perhaps.

Having forgotten about the test I did earlier - I just did another ammonia, only to find the last one I did. Figured as I'd already started I may as well finish. 0.5ppm!

Major WOOP from me. Just lucky the pH didnt drop just that little bit further!
Cor' Blimey!! Just thought I'd add to this a little bit with my progress! (A few hours is making all the difference!)

I got bored earlier on and ran al the tests! The whole load! pH crash! OH NOES!!! (I've evidently been forgetting to check that for a few days!)

Did about a 90% water change, and bought the ammonia levels back up to 4ppm (I think I may have gone a little over, but meh!). Not really sure what time this was, no more than 3 hours ago perhaps.

Having forgotten about the test I did earlier - I just did another ammonia, only to find the last one I did. Figured as I'd already started I may as well finish. 0.5ppm!

Major WOOP from me. Just lucky the pH didnt drop just that little bit further!

Yanno...I ALMOST told you to check your PH when I read this topic...but Im a newbie and didnt feel right doing it.

That is exactly what happened to me when my PH crashed. All of a sudden my nitrites were 0 clear blue..I thought I was cycled. Checked the next day and they were off the charts again. It sucked.

LUCKILY it bounced back quick..althought Im STILL not cycled and Im on ohhhhhhh let's see..day 38? its sucky. I NEED this cycle to be done by memorial day
yeah nice save sketchy, just keeping an eye on the pH can save a whole load of bother!!

Was wondering how you were getting on Lioness, hadn't heard from you in a few days.

when's memorial day? don't think we celebrate that over here :unsure:
Memorial day here is basically when we remember those who have passed..whether it be veterens or family members and such. People here tend to visit gravesites and add flowers and wreaths ...usually people celebrate with a picnic, out of town visits and such.

Just getting ready to add another thread about my cycle wiggles :)
Yeah, Oliver and the guys will take over their own room at the beach for Memorial day.... OMG! who's going to feed the bacteria! Just thought of this! No way I'm letting it coast on fish food, Lioness might get ahead :lol:
Yeah, Oliver and the guys will take over their own room at the beach for Memorial day.... OMG! who's going to feed the bacteria! Just thought of this! No way I'm letting it coast on fish food, Lioness might get ahead :lol:


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