Row Over Fish In Urinal


Shrimpy Shrimp
Apr 20, 2007
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Row over fish in urinal

A Chinese restaurant has been criticised - for keeping ornamental fish in a urinal.

The restaurant in Changchun city has around 20 fancy carp in the four-metre long trough in the gents' bathroom.

The Eastern Asian Economic and Trade Daily says experts have condemned the move as harmful to the fish and "disrespectful to China's fish culture".

A spokesman for the restaurant insisted the urinal contained a mixture of urine and water which was not harmful to the fish.

"The water is running, and each day we change the water at least twice and add oxygen into the water. It's not much different to a fish tank," he said.

The owner added that the fish were intended as an attraction for diners and were not used in dishes.

Guests seemed surprised to find fish swimming in the trough which has sign saying "Please urinate here" above it.

"If they didn't have the sign here I would have thought it was a new fish tank," said one diner, Mr Wang.

"It's really interesting," added another, Mr Sun, who said he was planning to use the bathroom again, just to repeat the experience.


is this even real!? :sick:
Whats wrong with them! " Its not harmful to the fish". Whatever, your peeing ammonia into the water, that isnt good for them!
That`s disgusting :sick:

They (The Owners) need to be put in a trough and Pi$$ed on every hour and see if they like it.
Wow, i might have to try this one at home, see if i can squeeze some fancies into the toilet bowl :)

...Seriously, yet another tick in the disgracefull treatment to captive animals for the far east.
Whats wrong with them! " Its not harmful to the fish". Whatever, your peeing ammonia into the water, that isnt good for them!

I dont actually think there is any Ammonia in urine. Its Creatine and other such chemicals.
I suppose they might think it ok if they serve up PRIME instaed of wine as an appertife. :fun:
Dark Entity: Yes there is ammonia in Pee, and poop. That what helps tanks cycle, and stay cycled, when your fish pee and poop. Plus, if you dont belive me, google it =]
Dark Entity: Yes there is ammonia in Pee, and poop. That what helps tanks cycle, and stay cycled, when your fish pee and poop. Plus, if you dont belive me, google it =]

Wikipedia's take on urine

Human pee itself contains no ammonia, but urea instead. Although this is probably toxic in large quantities, it is much less toxic than ammonia itself. However, given time, urea will decompose to form ammonia, hence the reason that stale pee (and the gents in the local!) smell bad.

So, in theory, peeing in your fish tank wont do any harm (or at least the urea wont!) as long as water changes are frequent to remove it before it breaks down into ammonia - or the filtration system is capable of handling a much larger amount of ammonia to compensate.

I'd personally be more concerened about any other trace elements in your pee that may harm the fish, such as metals (copper, iron, lead and murcury to name a few) and any excess hormones probably wont do the fish any favours
i'd rescue the poor things before someone gets so 'pissed off' with the chinese that their piss turns red and poisons them all!
That`s disgusting :sick:

They (The Owners) need to be put in a trough and Pi$$ed on every hour and see if they like it.

they should, thats is the most disgusting thing ever!! por fish being weed on, thats a bloody disgrace, but then this is the same country that keep the 50 to a bag hanging on a market stall :crazy:

"If they didn't have the sign here I would have thought it was a new fish tank," said one diner, Mr Wang.
How appropriate...

that guy is missing a few letters off the end of his name, her mr wang have them on me ... K E R ;)

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