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  1. S

    Which one is honestly hardier?

    Yeah, I really like Rams, they're gorgeous so I think I'll go there lol, plan on 30gallon, so I will wait for that pair. They'd be unhappy now. Tomorrow I'll get the dwarf, I need somethin different. This time I'l get a 'normal' one, not the neon blue variation. Thanks, See ya
  2. S

    Which one is honestly hardier?

    Well since you have both, I think it is help still lol. I haven't seen you around the board so much, how are the barbs doing? Mine I think might be mating lol, theres a pair that just stay together all the time, while my other female is more interested in following the Platy lol. Back to the...
  3. S

    Not that helpful on here

    I agree that *sometimes* people don't reply when you really need them to, and its frustrating but I think you just have to catch certain people online, alot of the same people answered most of my questions and are usually most of my replies. Right now I'm waiting for something, but you just have...
  4. S

    Sneaky lfs employee....

    Thats really quite creepy lol, good thing you checked!! Definately say something, who knows how many people shes done that too...Today I'll be on the lookout for "weird old women who want to rip people off" :lol: :shifty:
  5. S

    Which one is honestly hardier?

    I was thinking I might try another gourami, since the other one suddenly died for no apparent reasons (right after the time you can exchange expired :X ) and I was wondering if maybe a hardier type would work? The big question here: Which in your honest opinion, is hardier, and more rewarding...
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    What to pick to finish 10gal?

    I'd really like to add something to my 10gallon. However, I'm very indecisive, and I don't know how mant threads there are like this (I know I know, )but I need your input guys (Or else I'll never choose :*) :X ) What would be best? I thought 3 cories Might not be happy in my tank, and I don't...
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    Betta has ick and finrot

    Well, If you say keep trying, I will lol, It was just quite scary, he honestly looked dead!! No change today, no worse at least. I hope he is healing. Due for a 100% waterchange today, and I'll add salt, and Melafix as well. H'es eating fine, nice and active. I think he'll get better:) Thanks...
  8. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Okay, I tried a salt bath, and yeah, I used Inchworm's recipe on one of the pinned topics, 1 teaspoon dissovled salt(aquarium of course) in 1 cup of aquarium water....did that, and he became unconcious I guess, well he looked seriously dead!! So I quickly netted him out, and put him back in the...
  9. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Yep, Melafix is in, I think I am going to do a 50% today, and one tomorrow maybe, I did a 25% yesterday thats when I noticed all this...He still seems good though, Maybe he'll be a tough little guy like my other one...I'll update on him. Thanks for the help.
  10. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    No saltbath as of yet, I'm going to try and get out today to get some...The finrot is well, not good, about half his tail is gone, but its only hte tail at least no fins seem to be deteriorating, should I do a water change yet? If so how much(I was thinking a big one)
  11. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Bump....Sorry double post I put half tab in, this morning it seems to have worked a charm, no whitespots at all left on him, the heater kept the temp steady at 82, but the water looks cloudy now...His tail isnt any better, either, still eating like a demon and swimming about though... Should I...
  12. S

    Help Please

    Please read my topic in the emerg section, I need your advice Betta Experts,.....
  13. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Thank you, Wilder....I have the tablet, should I use it?(half) I'm just afriad of what it will do to the water, today I only did a 25% water change, should I do a 100%? Or will that stress him more? The tail looks a bit worse now, no new white spots, I;m running out of salt but I still have...
  14. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Alright thanks, I'll reply tonight on his progress hopefully, and give a salt bath tonight.
  15. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Yes, but I hate the tank so hot, is he okay in such hot temps? Usually it goes up to 86 in both tanks, and not 22 in the tank, but I would bet a little warmer than that...I have to go out but I should... Put heater in Put salt in Ask my friend for a tab and wait until i see if its okay for...
  16. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    Well, what would be better? Salt bath, or just add salt? and my friend has jungle fizz tabs ich clear, but 1 tab for every 10gals should i break one in half?
  17. S

    Betta has ick and finrot

    I just did my water changes, and before i put the Betta's water back in his tank, i noticed his tail...was rotting :-( -_- theres still parts left hanging on, but they are black and its just a start of finrot, but I know it can kill it killed my guppy before! So i added Melafix to his tank...
  18. S

    some things very wrong with my platy

    Yeah, "Pine cone" scales are dropsy. Can you quarintine him? Are any of your other fish looking odd..? I'd keep an eye out
  19. S

    Oh My God!

    Lol, I bet, I'm trying to convince my friend to give me her little baby, but he is just too cute lol, the only survivor and now hes living in a goldfish tank..not good:( ...Good luck with those fry.
  20. S

    Oh My God!

    :( The other fish prolly ate her....She might have died after giving birth from the stress or something...Are you going to save any fry? Or will it be Survivors only...? I'm pretty sure though that she died, then the fish picked at her so it looks really bad Hope you find out... :byebye: :rip:
  21. S

    How to make plants

    OHH i know that stuff, like plastic string? I actually already have some, lol...Yep, leeches means leaking chemicals into the water which will kill or cause the fish problems. If its been there 4 months, and fry could handle it, I think it is okay. They gotta make the store-stuff out of some...
  22. S

    How to make plants

    Pretty cool, but do you know if it leeches anything? Where in walmart (what department lol) do you find the stuff?
  23. S

    Dying guppies

    My guppy has done that before, the nose at the surface thing...It wasnt gasping, just the head was "stuck" to the surface so it seemed...Watch them and if you see one hit the filter current, does it get swept under? If it does, do it float right back up trying to fight it? It is true that they...
  24. S

    What kind of cat?

    I've everything I need for the bigger tank lol, except the tank itself...which is around $40...I havent a job, but i work occasionally with my friend, which could make me enough in 3 shifts. I know either this summer, or my birthday (october1st) I will be getting a bigger tank. But i think I...
  25. S

    What kind of cat?

    I don't know much about might just go with cories in the end, because I know my Lfs has them, and I'm sure after I see them in action, I'll like them more. What is the hardiest type? I've heard "pandas" arent as hardy. Can I have a trio in my tank as of now? The barbs are tiny...
  26. S

    Aquarium Salt

    Out of my experiences, salt does help. It helped finrot, got rid of velvet, and I find my fish perk up a bit if they aren't looking so good, after a water change and just a tablespoon of salt. Now, my friend and I used salt in a tank with 2 plecs, and it was okay, we used 1/4 of the reccomended...
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    Some of my platies.

    Cute. I like the second picture :lol: Never seen such nice colouring
  28. S

    What kind of cat?

    I'm just looking at my options for a bottom dweller, and I need the advice of all you experts over here ;) What kind of bottom dwelling fish could I get? I'm hoping to upgrade my tank to a 30gallon before the end of summer, so suggestions don't have to be jjust for my ten gallon. I think cories...
  29. S

    A few pics from the 80 gallon

    Very cute. I like it ;)
  30. S

    Some new pics of my 180ltr tank

    Very nice, and natural looking. I like that wood thing, and the rocks, the plants look good too. Who are the 'residents' at the moment? :P :whistle:
  31. S

    A few of my fish..

    Yep, I was thinking tonight I may, thats 2 tanks though. The betta one was just set up, got the blue guy yesterday, hes already got a big bubblenest :P :wub: And i'm moving my bedroom around a little bit, so I'll take a few tonight and see how they turn out. Thanks guys! I'll try my cherry...
  32. S

    A few of my fish..

    Here are a few pics of my fish, and some fish I had. I'll add more Later...The Dwarf Gourami, Guppy, and Green/Purple Betta are no longer with us, due to internal parasites, and unknown causes. :byebye:
  33. S

    Will they settle

    Could you explain "male fighter fish" ...Do you mean a Betta? If so, you can take him out, and put him in a 1gal+ bowl of a sort, and then get him his own little tank or something. Bettas dont need filters, or heaters really(Unless your house gets really cold at night) they have learned to adapt...
  34. S

    250Gal for first tank....

    Here's a few sites I learned from... This one has alot of reading, you might find it more useful than i did. Here is some diseases listings, and why quaratining is good once your tank gets going... An...
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    This is my setup with piranha , convicts....

    You could try some fake plants.....I'm sure they'd appreciate the hiding space
  36. S

    250Gal for first tank....

    Lol, i agree,...I'm squeezing for a 30gallon, Money is really hard to make and keep around here man, and aquariums arent for the, uh, pennyless lol (unless its like me, pennyless AFTER aquariums:|) I'\m pretty sure you wont get an overstocking problem lol, but general rule is 1inch of fish, per...
  37. S

    250Gal for first tank....

    Well, lol, the coldwater advatages are great...but theres less choice really. Goldfish can be beautiful, and need little care, the only real biggie is filter, because they are messy messy, but I think its worth them living for so long, some may even live to 15years if kept right(i read...
  38. S

    250Gal for first tank....

    Well, You'll need a monster filter, tons of sand or gravel, a heater, and a really really strong stand. That is a massive tank, you can have pretty much anything lol, I think that chichlids maybe? They're all semi-aggressive and really pretty. Or you could have a pair of every kind of fish...
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    EDIT: He died yesterday, of no apparent cause.Checked him, then 2 hours later check again and he was at the top, gills not moving, gone.... Does anyone know how long Walmarts pet policy is? I thought saving one would be okay but jeez, this is appauling...It cant be the temp, my other fish are...