Betta has ick and finrot


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
I just did my water changes, and before i put the Betta's water back in his tank, i noticed his tail...was rotting :-( -_- theres still parts left hanging on, but they are black and its just a start of finrot, but I know it can kill it killed my guppy before! So i added Melafix to his tank, hoping that works....then...I put the lid from my other tank with the light on his, to see if i could see anything else, and I think he has ick too!! I see about 5 or 6 spots that look like ich, and there is no filter so I'm afriad if i get meds the water will cloud....Yesterday he was perfectly fine, and when I bought him as well, not even a week ago, so I dont think its water quality, because I didnt feed him very much, and couldnt one day.Thats 5 days feeding....the temp has really been high though, but my other fish are fine, and I thought bettas lived in puddles or whatnot, are are only goes down to like 22degrees C at night, and there is nothing sharp in his could he be fine yesterday, and now today horrible!? Any tips are welcomed...I can put a heater in but thats really no use, its 82F in his tank atm, 5 gallon all to himself, no test kit but as i said, water change today, and its been 6 days since i got him, looked perfect until today
Stress can fetch whitespot on, finrot can be a secondary infection with whitespot, add some salt to his tank, add whitespot med, you could also do a salt bath on the betta.
a. Melafix will not cure finrot nor ick, you need a specific meds for these deseases or use aquarium salt in that tank as long as he isn't with any other salt intolerant fish.
b. you tank is 22degrees at night and 30 during that day?!! Thats a heck of a lot of temperature fluctuation you realy, realy need a heater as 8degrees change in temp a day will kill the majority of fish, betta or not, and this sort of stress is most likely what brought the deseases he has on so quickly.
Well, what would be better? Salt bath, or just add salt? and my friend has jungle fizz tabs ich clear, but 1 tab for every 10gals should i break one in half?
You will still need to add a med to the tank or bowl, with the salt baths it will help t with the finrot and whitespot, good luck.
Yes, but I hate the tank so hot, is he okay in such hot temps? Usually it goes up to 86 in both tanks, and not 22 in the tank, but I would bet a little warmer than that...I have to go out but I should...
Put heater in
Put salt in
Ask my friend for a tab and wait until i see if its okay for half to be put in?
If yours is a 5gal yes cut the tab in half.
how much salt in a 3gal to treat fin rot?

Ours has had a relapse after showing improvement :(
I would start of with two teaspoon full.
Thank you, Wilder....I have the tablet, should I use it?(half) I'm just afriad of what it will do to the water, today I only did a 25% water change, should I do a 100%? Or will that stress him more? The tail looks a bit worse now, no new white spots, I;m running out of salt but I still have about 2 tablespoons left, ideas anyone?
Bump....Sorry double post

I put half tab in, this morning it seems to have worked a charm, no whitespots at all left on him, the heater kept the temp steady at 82, but the water looks cloudy now...His tail isnt any better, either, still eating like a demon and swimming about though...
Should I do an 100% water change like I want to, or wait (Is all the Ich killed yet?) ?
I think that would help the tail but not sure if I should because the Ich seems to hhave dissapeared overnight, the meds work that fast?
Can you test the water the med might of made it go cloudy, add some salt if you do a water change don't forget to add the correct amount of med back,how bad is the finrot have you given the fish a salt bath.
No saltbath as of yet, I'm going to try and get out today to get some...The finrot is well, not good, about half his tail is gone, but its only hte tail at least no fins seem to be deteriorating, should I do a water change yet? If so how much(I was thinking a big one)

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