How to make plants


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2005
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A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c
Well I can't really afford 5 dollar fake plants or 3 dollar live plants that get eaten in 2 days by my snails. So I do this:
1) I go to the store and get plastic lanyard. They sell them in all diffrent colors in walmart for like 1.50 a big spool. I chose usaully 2 colors that stand out from my gravel and that complement each other.
2) I cut the lanyard into like 7 inch pieces until i think it will make a full looking plant.
3) This is the tricky part. For me I knot the bottom and cut off all the excess lanyard off. But you guys may find a better way to end the plant and wont be so big.
Here's some pics of some of my plants-

This was the one i made last night. Im gonna put gravel up to the teal lanyard so it looks like a cute palm tree.

This is the one i made a while ago. Its not as nice but the fry in my livebearer tank love it!

Before you put it in the tank let it sit overnight in very hot water. I only do that to make sure the sticker on the lanyard when you first buy it didnt leave any sticky substances on it that might harm your fish. I doubt it will happen though.
Hope you guys like my little project.
-Leave comments if you done this before or if you have a better way to finish off the plant.
Pretty cool, but do you know if it leeches anything? Where in walmart (what department lol) do you find the stuff?
Squishiebabe said:
Pretty cool, but do you know if it leeches anything? Where in walmart (what department lol) do you find the stuff?
Idk what leeches anything means. lol. Like if anything starts to go into the water from it. I say no. This stuff is like solid plastic. Im sure it will be fine. One has been in my livebearer tank for about 4 months now and everyone is fine. Even havin fry. Um I go to the craft sectin like where the have the sewing supplies and stuff. :D
OHH i know that stuff, like plastic string? I actually already have some, lol...Yep, leeches means leaking chemicals into the water which will kill or cause the fish problems. If its been there 4 months, and fry could handle it, I think it is okay. They gotta make the store-stuff out of some kind of plastic, right? I'll try this out, maybe post a few pics, good job.
cool, good idea wwestar...i bet you can make some grass-like ones that look pretty realistic this way..i like it!

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