Sneaky lfs employee....


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2005
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Knoxville, TN
I went to my lfs to get some dechlorinating chemicals, which I have never bought before, and I rember reading somewhere to get the stuff that dosen't neatrlize ammonia (for fishless cycling, which i haven't done yet). So I picked up some which I think actually said on the back of the bottle "Does NOT detoxify ammonia!"...So I grabbed it and a thermometer and some air line tubing and went to get rang up...

So I get to the counter lay my stuff on the counter and dig for my wallet, when the cashier picks up my chemical and I was like, "Heh...what's funny?", and she said, "Ooooh, nothing, just wondering why you would pick THIS chemical."

So I told her because I haven't gotten any fish in my tank yet and i'm about to run it through a fishless cycle, so she said, "Well, you know ammonia is BAD right? Here take this instead...." Then she walked out into an isle and picked up a diffrent chemical and dropped it in my bag. I said, "Excuse me, I don't want that...i'll just take the one I had before, thank you though."

Here's where it got kinda weird, it seemed like that made her she grins vaguely and takes her "choice" out of my bag and THREW (like a baseball) mine in, all of a sudden my brother walks in the store telling I hurry up, that I was making us late for football practice, so I turned away from my brother at the door to see the fish lady with a HUGE smile (I actually tok a half-step backwards, she was really close to my face too) on her face and then she held my bag out arms length, and she said, "Better go, he looks angry!".... So I was like...riiiiiggght, you're freaking insane, so, I got me receipt MANUALLY and stuck it in the bag and left..

So on the way to football practice I was looking at the receipt and saw the price at the bottom, it was $14!! $14 for 3 feet of air line tubing, a thermometer and a $2.99 5oz bottle of my chemical..or so I thought.

So I dug through my bag and found TWO bottles I have NEVER seen bofore sitting in my bag. Here's what they are, #1. "Tropical Science: Complete Care ($3.99)", and #2. "Tropical Science: NITROMAX ($4.99)". The old lady at the fish store tricked me!

So was she right? Is this stuff any good, or should I return it?

Either way shes's definatly gonna hear from me, i'm going to act REALLLY mad about it to her, then when she's all worried she'll get fired (and when i'm worried i'll get thrown out), i'll just stop talking/yelling at her and go walk around aimlessly, then buy a pound of sand and a snail or something with the blankest look I can muster on my face i'll attempt to pay for the items with a nickel, a button, some lint and possibly a paper clip....maybe the crazy woman will think i'm crazy as well...I'd be satisfied.

Just thought i'd share that with you guys, struck me as quite odd,

Thats really quite creepy lol, good thing you checked!! Definately say something, who knows how many people shes done that too...Today I'll be on the lookout for "weird old women who want to rip people off" :lol: :shifty:
Yah, well i'm making a trip down there today as soon as my brother gets back from work...

A couple of my friends are saying that both of these are really good stuff, and just to pick up the non-detoxifying ammonia kind aswell...and just mess with/complain about the old woman, but I don't know how much they really know about fish...afterall there expierence is limited to a betta bowl and a 5gal guppy tank.

Maybe i'll just return it, then turn right around and buy it right back :sly: :shifty:

Someone just let me know if this stuff is worth keeping...


EDIT: Lol, actually the old woman didn't look bad...assuming you don't mind a few missing/rotten teeth and rather NASTY looking grayish-black hair, and TONS of make-up clotting up in her wrinkles. Other than that, she's perfectly normal.... :crazy:
personally, i'd do what the old lady would've done, threw the chemicals like a baseball, and told her i don't want it.
Lol, don't tempt me... I'll just walk in there and spike these chemicals into the ground like I just made a touchdown...

From a legal stance what the lady has done is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. She has charged you for products you did not intend to purchase and has knowingly let you walk away with products you did not even realise she had rung through for you.

I suggest you go back to the shop with the 2 chemicals and your receipt. Explain your situation and tell the shop that you are contemplating taking legal action against the shop itself. Explain that you know a thing or 2 about fish and that you just came to the shop for a certain chemical. She has KNOWINGLY tricked you into buying a product you do not need, and more importantly didn't want.

This is very serious and retailers should not be let to get away with tricks like this. I genuinly hope you follow this up and show your local fish shop how extremely serious you are taking this matter.

If it was me, i would already be getting advice from the citizens advice line, or contacting my solicitor (although for $14 it isnt worth that much hassle).

The funniest related thing that happened to me at a LFS, well, outside a LFS was I was walking to my car when I heard this "Hey you" and I turned around "Yeah you" the voice said "You got my fish". As you can imagine I was dumbfounded. I had paid for my fish and they were in my bag. So I got out my receipt "See" I said "My fish, I paid for them" and he goes "No, you walked out with my bag" then shows me his bag "I don't buy no weird arse orange fish that are too small to feed to my fish" and it turned out that he had my platies and I had his, well, I dunno what they were but they were ugly, big and, well, kinda brown looking.

Then, weirdly enough the LFS guy said he had got the bags mixed up when bagging the fish. So I potentially could have had some really expensive fish for the price of platies etc :p
What a crazy b**ch!! Definatley go above her and tell them that if they do not do something about this, you will go to the better business bureau.
I've gotten stuff "on the side" before from shop employees but I used to work there, and it wasn't anything expensive or illegal. This kind of thing though, I've never dealt with. I prefer it when they give you discounts on stuff you wanted. :p
Be nice. Can't stress this enough. One, you seem to be a football player, so I'm guessing you're sort of an imposing size, two, you're male, so uh, crazy lady might act like you're going after her, and then you'd be in trouble. I'd just go back and tell her that you never wanted these, you don't appreciate what she did and if she doesn't rectify the problem pronto you will not hesitate to tell everyone and their mother what she did, plus take whatever legal action you can. Who cares if it's only 14 dollars, imagine how many other people she's done this too, and how many just said 'forget it, not worth the trouble'. I mean, if she scooped out some fish and when you got home realized that she had switched your fish, you'd be pissed. I know I don't go to the store so the cashier can shop for what they think is best for me. It's one thing to deny a customer for the sake of animal welfare, but this is bull of the highest degree.

Be nice, be polite, but get your money back.

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