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  1. B

    What Would You Do With.......?

    hiya a 80l !!!!!!!! after putting rocks in there and substrate etc etc it will NOTbe 80litres -need to work out how much water volume you have for the fish. live bearers seem to breed easily and readily as female platys store sperm!!!! (poor loves) suppose it depends if you ever "see" a fish...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    hiya good to know about the flubinol in the U.K (i ordered some - JUST IN CASE)..............i would treat the tank more than once after reading about it !! - sounds a real good med - not harming filter too!!!!!! yea bugger isn't it if silver wont eat concerning the constipation nothing more...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    glad silver has made it through the night..........a fighter ! Kathym had trouble with a cupple of angels and think she tried everything - but sorta came to the conclusion that is was a "weak strain" - hence nothing working to get it better could have swallowed a piece - unless seen - hard to...
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    Are These Suitable Fish For Beginner?

    i would try to get all the fish same sort of age and size as this can allow them to grow in your tank and this way reducing the risk of having a "older" fish in there which may become a bully or a killer!!?!??!?! also many that start with tropical or probably marine setups' - at first 1 tank...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    well hope silver can find the strength from somewhere - i think to be honest it could be the end. just a cupple things........can you deflect the filter output to reduce its intensity to help silver stay buoyant? add air stone or turn up air pump? apart from turning up temp and getting the...
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    Urgent! Please Help!

    hiya been reading your other posts including the long post about you trying everything to try to get this angel to eat - with no avail.............SORRY to hear 1 is not pulling through- but some angels that we acquire from a general pet store to that of a known local breeder (whose stock is...
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    Water Quality Query

    you need to test for ammonia first!!!!! as this will determine the start of your cycle - strip (IMO) are not reliable enough API water test kit - is VERY easy to use and is the kit of choice it would seem for many fish keepers on here- me too!! ------ take...
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    Cycling: Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    well REALLY any level is NO GOOD - but when we use fish this is inevitable!!!! we just have to hope that as the cycle continues and we do "some" w/c's during it - the fish survive i cycled with 7 danios and they survived - and still have them to make it "easier" on them i made sure of over...
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    Cycling: Am I Doing Something Wrong?

    these water changes everyday are not allowing the ammonia to build up in order to attract bacteria to break it down resulting in nitrItes i know why ur doing daily w/c's but this is RELALY slowing ur cycling down......also it may not actually be enough stock to produce the level of ammonia...
  10. B

    Are Plastic Plant Pots Alright To Use?

    i use the black plastic "saucers" for my plants dont stand too tall are great for mainly bare bottom tank had no trouble with them at all - just rinsed in hot water!! P.S if anyone knows where to get oblong ones that dont stand too tall plz give me a bell but as for the pink i reckon if its...
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    Plant Care

    plants can show us if the water quality is not as good as it could be - as the plants can look poorly before the fish do do need to be fed or take a look in the plated section - they go really into depth about it!! there are lots of plants i wouldlike but to start with co2 etc etc - i just got...
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    jeepers creepers!!!!!!!!!!
  13. B

    Flipping White Spot

    ahhh well thats's a real bummer...........shame as you took sooooo much time in research and planning!!! is a point - but if the platys are ONLY showing these whitespots then they are ready for dropping off and multiplying.........could you remove just the platys before the ich gets really...
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    Hospital Tank Size

    hiya i suppose the only major thing concerning how small to go --- is the size of fish gonna be put in there!!!! - otherwise a nice small tank (my first q-tank was 22 litres!!!!!!i used this as q-tank >>> making it a hospital tank if any fish have disease or signs of illness - great "holding"...
  15. B

    New Fish

    can you post your water stats, tank size etc etc why did your fish die???????? - dont buy any more incase they die again not good to buy fish so they keep dying AND it costs money too!!!
  16. B

    Flipping White Spot

    hiya oh no...........seems problem after problem :o i had ich when first started - i followed this....... at least i undestood the life cycle- helps to kill the darn thing when ya do!!! i did a 33% w/c when finished the meds and popped in a...
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    How Much Longer To Wait?

    it appears that yourtank is beginning to cycle look here this gives you a run through may be quicker may be longer....... hth? rob
  18. B

    Plants - Help!

    if you seen newly bought pants dying - normal - they are just shedding theirleaves from the water they were used to and will regrow nre growth..........i thought i would mention it as i threw all mine away first thinking they were dying but oh nooo.............!!!! also check that they ACTUALLY...
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    e-bay have a few different backgrounds on offer others use black or blue paper i didnt have 1 to start but now got 1 with like tree roots on and the reversible side is BRIGHT GREEN LEAVES!!!!!!!(fish need visors) my angel now hangs out in the roots of the background - sorta sayin...
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    Really Stupid Question About Bog Wood

    to be completely honest - i soak my bogwood in tap water and then just pop in the tank i do however use a tad more aquafsafe than it says per 10 litres as i like to think i am adding a bit more vit b5 and the likes to protect from abrasions etc etc
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    Badly Repaired 30g

    hope that any vessel made to hold a large volume of water - when becomes comprimised - and put back together would not fall apart when re-filled ----i would be VERY VERY apprehensive!!! think it's a case of 50/50 it may or may not - i hope it dont -!!!
  22. B

    Lfs Says Ph Is Not Important

    think many fish breeders or fish suppliers - breed fish in "general" conditions like having a ph of 7.6 whereas angels are supposed to like acidic conditions!! pH can affect the GH and KH of the water but - oly really need a specific pH if a fish' circumstances requires it but sudden peaks...
  23. B

    Just Done My First Test (week And A Half Into)

    if you want to be cycled asap!!! and you are buying your fish mainly from one place and there does not appear to be disease in the tank or system then - asking to buy a fist full of gravel or as a favour and hang the gravel in a pair of tight (not the whole lot just the foot part off 1 leg)...
  24. B

    Really Stupid Question About Bog Wood

    you can use a de-chlorinator to remove the chlorine in the tap water bog wood will NOT absorb the chlorine from the water a way of not buying de-chlorinator is to leave tap water in a bucket for a day or two and the chlorine is released naturally apparantly- although i have also heard that...
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    Dying Fish!

    i'm wondering about these filter starts..............wonder if there is any actually living bacteria- living in a sealed bottle on a shelf that need oxygen and a NH4 source to survive and multiply........hmmmm it appears you are now cycling with fish if your NO3 is "0" take a look...
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    High Nitrites

    hiya my 2penny........ dont clean ur filter sponges for a while (allow them to fully seed or basically no output- then literally squeeze once in old tank water) dont clean inside of glass for a while as bacteria lives here too if the NO2 level has been 1.0 for a considerable time and fish...
  27. B

    Setting Up

    personally if i wanted to "cycle" another filter - i would run another filter simultaeneously and turn both the outputs (if able) down to to let established filter do it's job still and allow the new filter to be seeded would run it for at least 4 weeks to be on safe side i...
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    Drift Wood

    yea i would say so wood is also soaked so it becomes water logged = sinks, not just in trying to remove the majority of the tannins rob
  29. B

    I Don't Like The Danios

    i have kept my danios i cycled my 60l with cud bring myself to give them away so kept them - other reason i moved them is they swam about as though the inside of the tank was like a racing track which made the angel i had very agressive will the fish store not take them back off you?? i...
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    My Fish Mixture

    yea it's a nice size now - if a lot of algae to eat and sinking algae wafers to eat etc etc - they soon grow - and poop for britain (or whichever country u are in)!!!!!! i had the idea of having 1 when i first started ..........thinking they will eat all the algae and keep the tank clean - yes...
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    Drift Wood

    mopani? think a week will be sufficient hehe
  32. B

    How Far To Put My Plants?

    hi i just keep my 7 danios i had from originally cycling my tank-last april!!!!! cannot get rid of them and have 2 juvi blacks angels in there - i'm wayy over filtered. i am waiting for my rio180 to cycle as will be purely a species tank = angels.....................suppose it's what you...
  33. B

    My Fish Mixture

    nope - sorri!! i am not keen on plecs full stop - only the fact that they are massive pooop producers and mant that are sold are labelled incorrectly and sold as "common"
  34. B

    Drift Wood

    i boil mine for a good hour first - then just leave in a bucket of de-chlorinated water overnight - then put in my tank............still some tannins come leech out but carbon removes this hth's?
  35. B


    hehehe yea i know and who'd-a-thunk..........when ya first start fish keeping - bet we all thought yeah yeah easy-peasy............... :no: i think though that pet shops should really sell the correct things - cos if i were sold anyhting wrong i would do what u were going to do...........and...
  36. B


    lesson to us all then when NOT knowing the latin name of aquatic plants - KNOW WHAT UR BUYING !!!!! ALTHOUGH WITH OUR IGNORANCE WE GET BITTEN - BUT YOU WOULD THINK LFS WOULD AT LEAST SELL YOU THE RIGHT THINGS - OTHERWISE CUSTOMERS GO ELSE WHERE???? sorry to hear your tank does not look like it...
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    How Far To Put My Plants?

    yea i would move the plants about a bit giving fatter bodied fish the chance to swim through the foliage i have angels with lots of viallis and stellata - i bunched the viallis too much and they just swam around - now spaced out - they hang out in between the plants and leaves !!!
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    And I Couldn't Have One Oscar In My Tank

    dear oh dear wonder how he would feel living in a bath 24/7????????
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    VERY VERY NICE - yu can DEFINATELY tell they werent shoved in there - :D i just hope now you dont have to break the planting down as another member says some are not aquatic plants !!! - and worse sold as aquatic!! rob
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    Warm Water

    i leave cold water to warm up in airing cupboard never use hot/warm water from fawcet as it can contain large amount of Cu and Pb (houses built b4 1970 may have led pipes)