
VERY VERY NICE - yu can DEFINATELY tell they werent shoved in there - :D

i just hope now you dont have to break the planting down as another member says some are not aquatic plants !!! - and worse sold as aquatic!!

VERY VERY NICE - yu can DEFINATELY tell they werent shoved in there - :D

i just hope now you dont have to break the planting down as another member says some are not aquatic plants !!! - and worse sold as aquatic!!


Already started. Took out anything which didn't flop when out of water. Some I do recognise now as houseplants I've kept before grrrr. :angry:
No problem. I have lots of houseplants and will simply pot them up so no money wasted. Just gives me an excuse to go out and buy some more lol. I will have to go further afield as my local places stock the same 4 or 5 types. I'm going to buy a book on tropical aquarium plants before I do though.
It's a bit like being sold a steam iron and being told that it will be fine for boiling water for a cup of tea.
lesson to us all then when NOT knowing the latin name of aquatic plants - KNOW WHAT UR BUYING !!!!!


sorry to hear your tank does not look like it did - but like you say more reason to go buy more!!!!

more pics when u have though!!!!!! hehe
I do have fountain grass. Could youlet me know which you think are not aqyatic plants please so I can look them up on the net. They were sold to me by a LFS as tropical aquatic plants. I shall take back any which are not and if they refuse to refund me, complain to the trading standards office and sue through the small claims court if they are selling somehting which isn't what it's supposed to be. It really annoys me when rogue sellers do this. I note that most of the online plant selelrs are offering similar plants.
It is blatant mis-selling and dishonesty and unless one is a plant expert or goes along with a book on aquatic plants how is a person to know?
I have looked on greenline, plantsalive and java plants and they all sell hairgrass.So if the so called respectable experts are selling these, what chance does a novice have? I did my research using all 3 sellers.
I have now taken out the ones which are suspect and will pot them up in plant pots tomorrow, all bar the stardust ivy which is so toxic I daren't have it in my home for fear the cats or dogs may chew it. This is a disgrace!

The aquatic variety of hairgrass is commonly called Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula). Always check the scientific name first (if you can) before buying. A lot of plants have the same common names, but some varieties are aquatic while others are marsh or terrestrial. These commonly sold non-aquatic plants are usually used for vivarium set-ups. They probably think that since it's good for vivarium, then it's good enough for aquariums as well (which unforunately isn't).

good point. A lot of the lfs though don't have the latin names on.
Crikey, you have to be a marine biologist, a herbologist and speak fluent Latin to boot. :drool: :crazy: :shout:
hehehe yea i know

and who'd-a-thunk..........when ya first start fish keeping - bet we all thought yeah yeah easy-peasy............... :no:

i think though that pet shops should really sell the correct things - cos if i were sold anyhting wrong i would do what u were going to do...........and never go back..........you think these people would learn wouldn't you?????
Sorry fenwoman, I am fully with you. Why the hell do they sell plants that are clearly not aquatic as aquatic? Beats me. I did once hear of one shop replying to that question with the words 'most of the people who buy plants cant keep the aquatic ones alive so will be back in a few months anyway' as if thats a reason! If they dont know about them, surely for goodness its your job (as a LFS) to educate them!

And you're right its blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Unfortunately its a common problem. I always find myself wanting to point out to people that they are non aquatic when I see them buying them, often step in, but its not always possible.

Do you happen to have the labels still? If you could right a list on here as to what you got I'm fairly sure we can work out the non-aquaitcs. Or if you could take some more pics (perhaps post in the plant forum so everyone can help I cant guarantee 100% accuracy :)) of the tank I'll highlight them on the photos.

If you want any idea of alternative plants check out the plant forum or www.tropica.com is an excellent site (and quality plants if you can find them to buy ;))

Sorry again, it is a lovely scape just a shame it wont last.

Sorry fenwoman, I am fully with you. Why the hell do they sell plants that are clearly not aquatic as aquatic? Beats me. I did once hear of one shop replying to that question with the words 'most of the people who buy plants cant keep the aquatic ones alive so will be back in a few months anyway' as if thats a reason! If they dont know about them, surely for goodness its your job (as a LFS) to educate them!

And you're right its blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Unfortunately its a common problem. I always find myself wanting to point out to people that they are non aquatic when I see them buying them, often step in, but its not always possible.

Do you happen to have the labels still? If you could right a list on here as to what you got I'm fairly sure we can work out the non-aquaitcs. Or if you could take some more pics (perhaps post in the plant forum so everyone can help I cant guarantee 100% accuracy :)) of the tank I'll highlight them on the photos.

If you want any idea of alternative plants check out the plant forum or www.tropica.com is an excellent site (and quality plants if you can find them to buy ;))

Sorry again, it is a lovely scape just a shame it wont last.


The labels aren't much help. I got
'bacopa bronze'
purple stricta
amazon sword
fountain plant
hair grass
aswell as some others with no names at all but I have seen locally which are definately aquatic.
I took out the purple stricta and the stardust as they are stiff. Both lots wilted within an hour and dried out.

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