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  1. R

    How Do You Keep Your Betta Fish Entertained?

    my fish are getting really bored, they don't swim around that much anymore and are only excited at feeding time, I sometimes play games with them like follow the finger and pencil eraser :blush: , but aren't that interested, I NEED HELP DESPERATLEY :shout: :sad:
  2. R

    Blue Water Need Help

    yes that is exactly wat i used :hyper:
  3. R

    Blue Water Need Help

    is this good or bad a week ago i filled a pot with water and added a bowl buddie for wen i change my fish tank, now after i just changed the fish tank.. the water is blue, is tht good or bad? :look: -_- :( :no: :nod: :unsure:
  4. R

    Frozen Betta

    he's still like this both of them and itz been a long time since the move
  5. R

    Did The Fin And Tail Rot Med Work Help!?

    well, now im giving him maracyn 2 :good:
  6. R

    Weird After Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    everyones saying tht but i read about it and your supposed to hav ALOT of red streaks allover and mine just has one with a tattered tail, but i still hope i dont have it :-(
  7. R

    Did The Fin And Tail Rot Med Work Help!?

    yea i did use bettafix and, to get better does he have to stay in the medicated tank? becuz i alredy gave it to him for a week, and i changed him 2 days ago. :/
  8. R

    Did The Fin And Tail Rot Med Work Help!?

    I just gave my fish fin and tail rot med and i changed him (becuz i did it for 6 days alredy) its the day after i changed him and he has rips and holes in his tail and a larger red streak :-( :( :sad: :unsure:
  9. R

    Weird After Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    I just gave my fish fin and tail rot med and i changed him (becuz i did it for 6 days alredy) its the day after i changed him and he has rips and holes in his tail and a larger red streak
  10. R

    Weird After Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    wen u say skin damage do u mean like ripped fins? :/ i dunno how all that happened after i gave him fin and tail rot medicine :(
  11. R

    Weird After Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    after i gave my betta fin and tail rot medicine he looked like he got ich or true fungus, and he had red streaking on his tail PLEASE HELP!! :-(
  12. R

    Pickey Eater?

    u can also try different things ur supposed to give them a wide or small vareity
  13. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    im going to test tht and i dont hav a thermetor but its probably hot becuz im not there not but where he is, theres a heat wave and theres no ac on im scared 4 him :-( also at nite ....probably............the same or cooler wen im there at nite hotter its confusing :(
  14. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    well, i hav a lid alredy :blush:
  15. R

    Pickey Eater?

    u can try daphnia a freeze-dried water flea or pellets, i use the daphnia and bettas love it, but if u try this and all other possible foods and it still spits it out, usally its a sign that ur betta is sick, check out this site 4 more info :good:
  16. R

    Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    Splendid Betta, BettaFix Remedy and i got another one im probably not going to use Maradel, Trisulfia>? :/
  17. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    well maybe i should test 4 ammonia becuz he's trying to jump alot now :/ :sad: :unsure:
  18. R

    Fin And Tail Rot Medicine

    since my fish has fin and tail rot i got it betta fin and tail rot medicine, so it says to use it 4 seven days but i could only use it 4 six days or i could wait until nxt week but i dont wanna let my fish wait and suffer so should i just use it for 6 days or wait? :/
  19. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    yea he doesnt do it anymore.. :nod: so thts good
  20. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    heyy...were does everyone get tht "hatched on ______" sig icon? ;) :look: :/
  21. R

    Frozen Betta

    he's okay today. he's moving more today yupz.... :nod:
  22. R

    Frozen Betta

    ok... :nod:
  23. R

    Frozen Betta

    thanx guys he's been like this for 2 days now...u cant reely tell if fish r sleeping becuz they hav no eyelids 8) :shout: :huh:
  24. R

    Help On Odd Mystery Fish

    heres a pic of the fish go on google and type it in :good:
  25. R

    Putting Betta Fish In With Tanks With Filters And/or Pumps

    yea check out my frozen betta post i need help...again :blush:
  26. R

    Pics Of My New Betta

    nice photography :good: :hyper:
  27. R

    Frozen Betta

    my betta stays in one positon at the top and stays there i go over to his tank and he still doesnt move until i tap or move the cover off, please help im scared i just put him in a new tank today could it be from tht?, he's almost 2yrs old, im worried :-( :sad:
  28. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    yea his water is very clean, and i hav a lid on it ;) :shifty: :)
  29. R

    Jumping Out Of Tank

    my betta is trying to jump out of the tank alot... my other one used 2 do tht occasionly but this one nvr did tht until now and he's doing it alot i just put him in a 1 gallon tank he used to be a 1/2 gallon tank, i change him everyweek with dechloinated water, someone please help me out, im...
  30. R

    How Do I Fix This

    the cold water definetly stressed him :nod: , i guess u didnt hav him that long so its not old age :no: it would be better if it was lol :lol: :good:
  31. R

    How Do I Fix This

    i hav the same porblem and alot of ppl said tht itz old age becuz mine's 2yrs old :blink: :shifty:
  32. R

    Clamped Fins

    yea tht happens with mine, i hope it's age because he's pretty happy and he eats his food :lol: :good:
  33. R

    Clamped Fins

    thanx 4 the advice guys he's staring 2 perk up, i didnt change him as much becuz i went away every weekend but his fins arent as clamped i'll use ur advice :good: :hyper: :lol: :fun:
  34. R

    Clamped Fins

    well, tommorow im putting him in a gallon tank :look:
  35. R

    Putting Betta Fish In With Tanks With Filters And/or Pumps

    :good: yea i dont want one anyway check out my clamped fins post more info 2 help me figure it out
  36. R

    Clamped Fins

    ok well i'll go in ur order tank size: 1/2 gallon tommorow switching him to a 1 gallon water changes: everyweek water:dechlorinated tap water well we let it sit for a week tank temperature: no idea, room tempature i think energy level: he's normal eating habits: he's like a pig type of food...
  37. R

    How Do I Fix This

    i hope...i hav the same problem my fish is like 2yrs old i hav a post on clamped fins :unsure: :sad: :(
  38. R

    Myth About Fish

    r u serious?? i hav a fish with clamped fins check out my post about it :blink:
  39. R

    Putting Betta Fish In With Tanks With Filters And/or Pumps

    thanx im not gonna put filter in i guess, check out my clamped fins post i need help with one of my bettas
  40. R

    Clamped Fins

    yea i read tht but it didnt help i need a cure :no: -_- :sad: