Putting Betta Fish In With Tanks With Filters And/or Pumps

well... it depends.

short finned bettas should do fine, but that doesn't mean that they will like it. long finned bettas tend to fare not so well with strong currents, but that doesn't mean that they WON'T like it. :S

it comes down to the individual fish. Some will enjoy the current, some will hate it. you can give it a go if you like, but if your fish seems stressed, you'll have to remove it.
well... it depends.

short finned bettas should do fine, but that doesn't mean that they will like it. long finned bettas tend to fare not so well with strong currents, but that doesn't mean that they WON'T like it. :S

it comes down to the individual fish. Some will enjoy the current, some will hate it. you can give it a go if you like, but if your fish seems stressed, you'll have to remove it.
thanx im not gonna put filter in i guess,
check out my clamped fins post i need help with one of my bettas
Yeah--filters aren't really necessary if the water changes are sufficient :)

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