Frozen Betta


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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New York City, USA
my betta stays in one positon at the top and stays there i go over to his tank and he still doesnt move until i tap or move the cover off, please help im scared i just put him in a new tank today could it be from tht?, he's almost 2yrs old, im worried :-( :sad:
He's probably just a little shocked from the move, I'd only be worried if he's still being like this in 4 or 5 days. He should perk up. :)
rofl :lol: all the bettas i see at the fish store are in a bowl and veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy quiet dont even move they look dead rofl. as soon as my hand went in they just flicked away
Mine tend to do that when the lighting abruptly changes, since I don't have a dimmer for the lights :p Half the time my old guy, George, whose 5, is laying perfectly still in his water when I get home from work and he doesn't move until I put my finger in his water. I think he likes toying with me and giving me heart attacks. ^_^
He's probably having a snooze :zz I have one who sleeps like thata t the top and another who floats at the bottom and another who rests in a plant. They do look frozen, then you go wave your finger at them or something and they are like "whaa!?? :hyper: food!?!"
yeeah one of mine likes to sleep under java fern, can't even see him sometimes, buries himself.
funny beasties!
one hint redi, only hit the reply button under someones post if you want to comment on something they've said, if you just want to post a new reply hit the add reply button all the way at the bottum :good:
Just thought I'd give you the hint since I did the same thing when I first joined. By the way hows the little betta doing, a little more active?
he is probally just sleeping, i have a 2 yr old betta like that too, he just stays in one spot and i put food in and he doesnt move, so i tap on his glass and he doesnt move i thought he dead so picked up the bowl and then he started moving
Bettas really dont sleep, they really just rest because if you think about it, in the wild a small fish cant sleep because they could be gobbled up by a bigger fish. And I know betta splendens arent wild fish I'm just making the connection.
In the wild, any prey animal that sleeps is vulnerable, yet all mammals sleep :p
I don't think what bettas do would be biologically classified as sleep, but they definitely have a state of rest. Mine are always like that in the morning. When I turn on the lights in my room they're still dead asleep :lol:. You can wave your hand in front of them and it takes a while for them to "wake up" and realize you're there. I have one betta tank on top of my dresser, and I always try to open the drawers gently in the morning so as not to shake the dresser and wake her up :rolleyes:

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