Clamped Fins


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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New York City, USA
i need help my betta's fins used 2 b so beautiful now they r all clamped he might be stressed or hav bad water conditions but i dont use chlorinated water so how do u cure it?? :unsure: :-( :sad:
Check out the "How Do I Fix This" Thread... I believe it's highlighting your same question :)
probably the reason you aren't getting responses to this is that it isn't nearly enough information to go one. clamped fins means your betta isn't feeling well, but it doesn't tell us why. we need as much information as you can give us, tank size, how often you do water changes, what sort of water you are using (spring, RO, tap), tank temperature, energy levels, if he's eating, what you've been feeding him, what other symptoms he has (such as, but not limited to, lethargy, white spots (like grains of salt) deteriorating fins, "cottony" growths, swollen belly, pineconing scales). Age is also a factor. how long have you had him? most pet shop bettas are already 6 months to a year when they are sold (it's when their finnage is at its peak), and these fish only have a life expectancy of 2-3 years (though of course there are those who live beyond this age)
probably the reason you aren't getting responses to this is that it isn't nearly enough information to go one. clamped fins means your betta isn't feeling well, but it doesn't tell us why. we need as much information as you can give us, tank size, how often you do water changes, what sort of water you are using (spring, RO, tap), tank temperature, energy levels, if he's eating, what you've been feeding him, what other symptoms he has (such as, but not limited to, lethargy, white spots (like grains of salt) deteriorating fins, "cottony" growths, swollen belly, pineconing scales). Age is also a factor. how long have you had him? most pet shop bettas are already 6 months to a year when they are sold (it's when their finnage is at its peak), and these fish only have a life expectancy of 2-3 years (though of course there are those who live beyond this age)

ok well i'll go in ur order

tank size: 1/2 gallon tommorow switching him to a 1 gallon
water changes: everyweek
water:dechlorinated tap water well we let it sit for a week
tank temperature: no idea, room tempature i think
energy level: he's normal
eating habits: he's like a pig
type of food: right now pellets and i just got daphnia im going to feed him tht
he has none of the symptons u listed
age: i've had him almost 2yrs
You might want to do partial water changes during the week, a half gallon is small as far as nitrate and amonia build up lvls go... maybe try changing 20% of his water every other day and see if he perks up?
You might want to do partial water changes during the week, a half gallon is small as far as nitrate and amonia build up lvls go... maybe try changing 20% of his water every other day and see if he perks up?
well, tommorow im putting him in a gallon tank :look:
Even a gallon should be changed more than once a week. I'd say once every 2 or 3 days. A half gallon should have been changed every day or every other day. You were really low on the water changes.
B) It could be his age my 3 old boys sometimes have clamped fins. Then when I clean them out they perk up! :nod: Good Luck! :good:

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