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  1. jonnyf84

    Coral Health, Pics

    no, theres a couple of bristleworms in the tank but i've never seen them bother any of the corals and i i'm pretty sure its a crab free tank.
  2. jonnyf84

    Coral Health, Pics

    Yeh i've moved it a few times with no success. It taking a long one then because its been like that for a week.
  3. jonnyf84

    Coral Health, Pics

    Hi all, had the tank set up for over 10 weeks now, the leather has been in for over 2 weeks, the polyps have never come out, can someone advise what might be wrong with it Also one of the zoa heads has retracted on itself - what does this mean?
  4. jonnyf84

    Flukes, Anchor Worms.....?

    Hi all, i recently lost my lemonpeel angel and now my fire fish isn't too well, it has a few tiny worms attached to it, 2 around his head and one between his anal and pectoral fin, they don't have the appearance of anchor worms but they have made the firefish's stomach shrink - they are just...
  5. jonnyf84

    Spirulina Flake?

    Hi, just curious really and i couldn't find the answer on the interweb! Is Spirulina flake safe for marines to eat? Cheers.
  6. jonnyf84

    Tank Of The Month - August 2010

    Sod's law :-( i didn't even realise this thread existed, and i've just turned to the salty side!!!! The 125L in my sig was stripped last week to make way, and my brackish went back to fresh just 3 days ago, looks like i'll have to get the co2 up and running again :)
  7. jonnyf84

    Copepods, Fertilisers And Phytoplankton

    Hi all, can someone tell me a good combination of fertilisers and liquids to add to my tank, theres so many different ones out there i don't know where to start or which ones are best, is there a all-in-one that includes all the trace elements and iodine, calcium etc? Also how much if any...
  8. jonnyf84

    Id Needed

    Thanks for the welcome, and the info. I'm glad to hear the brittle stars are good as there's plenty of them. Unfortunately i don't have a blow torch or solder iron and i don't really want to go down the chemical route, what can i do? As you've guessed i've just turned to the salty side from...
  9. jonnyf84

    Id Needed

    Hi all, i recently bought some live rock, along with bristle worms and crabs i've found loads of these, some kind of brittle star? I see their legs poking out of rocks everywhere but today 2 were on the glass near the intake, what are these and what are the pro's and con's? I found this...
  10. jonnyf84

    Starting A Planted Tank

    Basics for hi-tech planted tank: - This kind of set up will give you the healthiest growth and will enable you to keep a larger variety of plants. Lighting, aim for 2 watts per gallon, this should be ok for the majority of plants, if you have a deep tank then go for T5's which penetrate deeper...
  11. jonnyf84


    Java fern is one of few plants that i've tried that do ok in brackish water, i've had limited success with java moss and anubias but as far as grassy plants go you might struggle. Ideally you would have a fertilised substrate as it does promote growth and enables healthier root systems but you...
  12. jonnyf84


    Are you taking the mickey here? If not then that is not necessary, scaping does not need to be done during cycling, it can be done anytime. If you want to go down the planted route and really make a professional scape then you will need to invest properly, it's a huge subject that is becoming...
  13. jonnyf84


    my 3 scapes are below, hope it gives you a idea of what its all about.
  14. jonnyf84

    Today I Went To My Favourite Lfs And...

    worked on the show tank :good:
  15. jonnyf84

    White Cloud And Cherry Shrimp Compatibility?

    i was just flicking through the latest PFK and there's a article that says cherrys natural annual temp change can be as extreme as 4-28C.
  16. jonnyf84

    Carbon Filter Pads For Leaching In Bogwood

    I'm completely off the mark, your spot on. Just pulled this off the net: 'Tannins are a mixture of large and medium size molecules. Carbons with a combination of macropores and mesopores adsorb tannins. The ability of a carbon to adsorb tannins is reported in parts per million concentration...
  17. jonnyf84

    Pest Snails!

    its empty because it either died or was eaten by your loaches or a combination of the two, loaches will pick off the odd 1 or 2 but are not ideal snail eaters, puffers are great snail eaters but won't mix with your stock so try some assassin snails aka snail eating snails. your roots may have...
  18. jonnyf84

    White Cloud And Cherry Shrimp Compatibility?

    As long as you have a heater and keep the temp half way between the 2 they'l be fine together.
  19. jonnyf84

    Green Foods For Fish

    cucumber, spinach, lettuce (not iceberg).
  20. jonnyf84

    How Much Food?

    Depends on the size of the loaches but at any size 1 pea sized pellet per day isn't the best way for them to lose weight. Vary your food but to make sure they shed some weight have starve days, depending on the size of your fish you might have 1-3 food-less days a week. Don't fret about under...
  21. jonnyf84

    Over Filtering

    You need to attach a spray bar and it will be fine, otherwise i hope your fish like rapids :lol:
  22. jonnyf84

    Buying From Same Store

    depends on the species, most cichlids seen in lfs' are trade fish, captive bred and are likely to be related in some way though unlikely to be immediate siblings, in this case breeding them would produce little increase in quality or diversity unless hybridizing 2 different species which is...
  23. jonnyf84

    Filter Question

    when looking for filters base your decision on its turnover rate providing your stock is comfortable with fast flow or alternatively use a spray bar, you can then change the filter media as you see fit. Look for a turnover rate of at least 5 times your aquarium volume per hour.
  24. jonnyf84

    Carbon Filter Pads For Leaching In Bogwood

    carbon won't reduce the amount of tannins in the water, pre boil the wood and continue soaking to get the worst out, the rest will have to be removed via water changes.
  25. jonnyf84

    Red Platy

    don't treat without properly identifying the cause or you'll likely make a bad situation worse, post some pictures and you'll have more luck with a answer.
  26. jonnyf84

    A Compatible Ram

    gold or german or another bolivian, if you wanted other similar cichlids you could go for kribs or apisto's.
  27. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    thanks for all the help. I ordered a narva blue and KZ 10k white today, thats 1 item down and about a hundred to go!
  28. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    thanks for the recommendations, a lot of people seem to go with similar set ups, although i just read that the kz coral light has a reddish tinge to it? Is this the one you mean:
  29. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    i like the reviews of the narva blue T5's but what is the best tube to run along side it for coral growth and appearance? Do i need another blue tube, a hybrid or a white one? Thanks again for all the help.
  30. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    Haha, sods law i guess, are there no anemones considered as weeds that only require low light, other than the likes of aiptasia. Just done a bit more research, your spot on, goniopora's are deffinately out :crazy:
  31. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    Thanks for the replies, i found two unbranded tubes for the same price as a single arcadia tube - are the cheaper tubes as reliable? My tank is 18" deep. I'm new to marine so i would want the hardiest of corals, is there any suggestions, i really like anemone's and goniopora's? Thanks
  32. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    judging by all the tubes i can find i can't get 39w t5 tubes in 550mm, only 24w, a straight swap from 24w plant gro's to 24w marine tubes will have to do, i take it this won't be a problem? So i'll be looking at only 48w of lighting via 2 14000k tubes in 100 litres, is there any corals that i...
  33. jonnyf84

    Marine Tubes In Freshwater Luminaire?

    hi, this might be a obvious question but i just want to make sure. Can someone tell me if i can use t5 marine tubes (1 actinic and 1 white) in my arcadia t5 freshwater luminaire, its currently running on two 24w plant gro's, if so can i use the more powerful 39w tubes? Thanks.
  34. jonnyf84

    What Is The Best Water Treatment

    If your talking about it simply making your water safe then it doesn't matter which one as long as it locks the chloramine bond and removes the chlorine, sure things like stress coat advertise other benefits but its unnecessary.
  35. jonnyf84

    Potted Plants

    Thankyou, i scrapped that one about 6 months ago - i ran out of co2 and couldn't get more for over a week, then came the damned algae, that taught me one thing - stability is key! Crypts are great value for money once you've split the pot up, i planted my 2 foot fry tank from corner to corner...
  36. jonnyf84

    Thoughts On This For A 10Litre (Co2)

    pressurised co2 for a 10L tank probably isn't necessary but this would last you around 17 weeks at 2bps for 7 hours a day, note that this doesn't come with co2 tubing or a solenoid which is vital for stability, you'l probably need a better diffuser too, so your looking at a extra £40-£50 minimum.
  37. jonnyf84

    Sae's Ok With Moss Balls?

    i would take a good guess at no but i have no experience with moss balls so I can't be 100% on that. But what is your other option, leave them out of the tank to die? You may as well chuck them in and if the algae eater has a nibble then you can give the moss balls to a mate or something.
  38. jonnyf84

    Potted Plants

    remeber to remove as much floss or rock wool as you can also and seperate each bunch into individual plants, for example a standard pot of vallis would usually give 20 or so plants, seperation is key to succesful propagation.
  39. jonnyf84

    Upgrading Tank - Moving Filter Across - Algae Concerns?

    Its unlikely your algae will be carried across, at least not in amounts that you should worry about. But the underlying problem will still be there if you continue with the same water, lighting, fertilisation and cleaning regime so it will likely be just a matter of time before it returns, but a...
  40. jonnyf84

    Riccia Wuill It Die With Easy Carbo ?

    it will be fine, my riccia does great with 2ml per day in my 120L, although i have a pressurised system too, its the gluyteraldehyde in liquid co2 that riccia doesn't like. I heard of a guy dosing 5ml per day in a 100L and he had no ill effects but i wouldn't advise using that much.