Carbon Filter Pads For Leaching In Bogwood


Fish Crazy
Apr 4, 2010
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I am putting bogwood into a new tank I am getting, and have had it in water for the last couple of days where some of the colour can leach out. When I actually put the bogwood in the tank will I need carbon filter pads in my filter to absorb the rest of the leaching from the bogwood? Thanks
bogwood leaches tannins forever because it is constantly breaking down you will need alot of carbon to absorb all the tannins but if you just meen to get rid of the worst of the colour for the first bit then yeah you put the carbon in the filter to absorb it or you can just leave it then get most of it out in your weekly/biweekly water change

carbon won't reduce the amount of tannins in the water, pre boil the wood and continue soaking to get the worst out, the rest will have to be removed via water changes.
i have read on here multiple times that carbon pads do get rid of small amounts of tannins just not loads of tannins

i have read on here multiple times that carbon pads do get rid of small amounts of tannins just not loads of tannins


I'm completely off the mark, your spot on. Just pulled this off the net:

'Tannins are a mixture of large and medium size molecules. Carbons with a combination of macropores and mesopores adsorb tannins. The ability of a carbon to adsorb tannins is reported in parts per million concentration (range 200 ppm–362 ppm).'

Although when thinking about the concentrated amount of tannins from newly sunken wood in a confined aquarium 200-362ppm isn't much so i would still say boiling, soaking and water changes are the most effective methods. Saying that most fish would prefer a darker environment opposed to unnaturally bright light so the problem is purely aesthetic.

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