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    What Are They

    I give up can't seem to spot any differences :unsure:
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    Bizarre Hand Powered Starter Tank

    I'm sure I've seen this in the Slough P@H store, spent quite some time marvelling over how something so small could possibly have so many features?
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    Non Return Valve

    Do air flow non return valve have a rating, most just have a simple flap so maybe there's not enough air pressure to fully push the flap back?
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    Microbial Disc

    Not too sure it applies in this case but this article suggest that silver ion is released
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    Fish Dying

    I thought I had posted this already so here goes again. If you're doing a 2 weekly water change then I'd personally be changing around 30% of the water rather then a meagre 10%
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    Help - Ammonia Levels Remain Constant

    Not an expert but if you're doing 2 weekly water changes then I'd personally be doing a 30% water change rather then a meagre 10%.
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    Cycled Tank In 11 Days!

    So your tank cycling took a bit longer than 11 days? :blink:
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    Wilkos Tap Water Conditioner

    I've got some of this that I purchased in an emergency. You need to use 4ml per 8 gallons on water so is a lot more dilute then say for example Seachem which only requires, I think 5ml per 200 litres of water. So for me it's either 5 capfuls of the Wilkos stuff or 1 capful of the Seachem stuff.
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    Need Help Urgently!

    They must have been pecked at after death as surely if they got that bad when alive you would have noticed?
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    New Tank

    Not an expert but I'd personally avoid the built into the hood filter in favour of either an internal or an external. I seem to recall reading ages ago about people complaining about the in hood filters but it does depend on how it all fits together. For me I like being able to take the flaps...
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    Hearbreak Again

    Deaths are always bad, remember when a goldfish of our went a few years ago all my kids lined up in the garden to bury him. Shoulder to cry on huh? :unsure:
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    Fake Plants -> Real Plants

    Any chance of getting some pics of the plants :)
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    Stand Strengthen Help

    I would have thought that you'd need to put a piece in so that it sits across the front and another piece at the back to stop the frame from collapsing sideways, hope that makes some sense. Have a look at the hagen cabinets, they have 2 doors and a middle piece at the front and back which is...
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    200 Gallons

    It would have to be around 7x2x2 :hyper:
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    200 Gallons

    200 gallons is small if you have a 300 gallon tank but to most people it is a maa-haa-sive tank :)
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    Fx5 Dead, Motor Not Working

    Problem with doing this is if it's a molded plug then cutting it off normally affects the warranty.
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    Can A Filter Alter The Temperature

    Interesting read there, never even considered that a filter would do this :)
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    Large Gravel Vac

    I got the same as above a few weeks ago and have to admit it is the bees-knees, I've now connected some old hose pipe I had lying around to it so no more buckets and run it directly to my downstairs toilet :)
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    D-I-Y Equipment

    How about an old toothbrush, taped to some electrical twin and earth cable which is what I use to clean the tubing on my external filter :)
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    Value For Money - Tapwater Conditioners

    Have read that Seachem produces a sulphur odour, is this just for a brief while? And to the people who have said £0, what do you use or do you leave buckets full of water for a few days?
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    Pump For Water Changes

    Found some external pumps here that you could use but as with all water pumps you'd have to make sure you don't run it dry else it'll shorten its life
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    Pump For Water Changes

    No, I meant the exit on your jerry can has to be below the water level in the jerry can. I suppose this problem can easily be solved by simply placing a length of tubing in the jerry can.
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    No probs, I have the same Hagen inlet on my tank so whatever you decide to opt for may well become useful info for me in the future. :)
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    Pump For Water Changes

    Unless the outlet from the jerry can is below the actual level of the water then what you're trying to do won't work as any water pump needs at least the impeller to be effectively submersed.
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    What Do You Do With Your Old Aquarium Water?

    Down the toilet for me, read that the BB helps get rid of germs :D
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    Well I reckon it should work, the only real question, for which I don't have an answer is if the loading on the filters, due to both impellers being in series would be effected and would it in turn shorten the life of the filter.
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    Fx5 Dead, Motor Not Working

    That's bloody good service? Just wished all ebayers were like this :)
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    The one big advantage to having 2 filters would be negated by having the filters in serial, namely redundancy. With them in serial I'd suspect that 1 filter going bad would stop the lot. I've also got a question, would synthetic filter wool be classed as polishing media?
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    Fluval Filter Media

    When I got my tank and filter second hand the filter sponges were really dirty and I too had this compulsion to just go out and by replacements but after reading a few threads here I just gave them a clean and as others here have said if the sponges aren't ripped and provided they cover the...
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    Pipe Cleaning

    Can't you clean the tubes as they are if they won't pull apart? For the tubes on my filter I use a toothbrush taped to the end of some twin and earth electrical wire, then push the brush in and use the wire to twist the brush round inside the tubing.
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    Fx5 Lost Flow......!

    Try rocking it gently side to side to see if releases any trapped air. I always turn off my filter when doing a water change rather then slowing the flow down. I also recall a post here where the order of the media caused flow problems, I assume the media is in the same place as before?
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    Wouldn't the second filter get overloaded (in terms of flow rate) due the first filter pumping it's output into the second, or wouldn't this make a difference. Logically thinking though the rates of the water coming in to that going out must get equalised by the fact that output is pumped and...
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    So I should put the wool in the top most chamber and move the rings down, thanks guys/gals for your help.
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    Is Your Tank "hard Work"?

    I'm not as good as some of the guys/gals here, I do a 30% water change and gravel clean every 2 weeks and check/clean the filter every month.
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    Brown Algae

    The birds could have crapped in the container, no? Or there could be other dirt in the container?
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    The top in my case would be the bottom as the water comes down 1 side of the canister, then passes through the coarse sponges and then comes upwards from the bottom tray to the top before being returned to the tank.
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    Filter Wool, Where Do I Put It?

    Got some filter wool for my Fluval 305 to fill the space that was occupied by carbon bags. I've got the 4 main coarse sponges and have ceramic rings in the other 3 trays so am wondering where the filter wool should go. I was thinking of moving the rings to the top 2 trays and putting the wool...
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    Does Anyones Fluval External Filter Do This?

    My 305 does the same after a clean, just gently rock the canister side to side and back to front upto around 45 degrees and that should get rid of any trapped air.
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    Can't View Attachments

    Seen some posts here with attachments but when I click on it I get the following error message: [#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment. Example is this post Any ideas why, have had a...
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    I'm currently trying to convince my brother in-law/sister in-law who don't live that far away, have told them they only need to come round every 2-3 days so hopefully they'll agree.