Is Your Tank "hard Work"?

I see. I was literally picturing you with a pint glass replacing a pint of water out of each of your tanks every day... :lol:
I'm not as good as some of the guys/gals here, I do a 30% water change and gravel clean every 2 weeks and check/clean the filter every month.
nope not hard, "when talking fish to non aquarists is "No ways!!!... to much hard work".
agree with this statment, a person can only visualise how hard something is when they have never tired xD how hard would it to lift 100kg of weight?
Hard work - No.
A 30% water change every week - gravel clean and algae clean.
Filter clean once a month.
Its a good time to interact with the fish - I find it enjoyable. :hyper:
Hard part seems to be the aqua-scaping so-far, although no livestock yet. But I imagine it'll be more fun than a chore.
I see. I was literally picturing you with a pint glass replacing a pint of water out of each of your tanks every day... :lol:

Only on the fry tanks lol The rest are done with a bucket, I guess doing water changes my way is hard work especially on the 2 400l tanks and the 2 300l tanks, but I see it as good excersise and better than being in a sweaty gym :lol:
I see. I was literally picturing you with a pint glass replacing a pint of water out of each of your tanks every day... :lol:

Only on the fry tanks lol The rest are done with a bucket, I guess doing water changes my way is hard work especially on the 2 400l tanks and the 2 300l tanks, but I see it as good excersise and better than being in a sweaty gym :lol:


Thanks! I've not got yet another excuse not to go! Hurrah :good:
But its only good excersise if done daily, hence lots of tanks keep me fit, and thats my excuse and I am sticking to it :lol:
Sometimes I think they can be, particularly on the stress side of things, when fish dont get along, when disease strikes, you lose some, then its hard work.

Otherwise generally not, I do 50% w/c on my 3 tanks every 5 days with full gravel/sand vacs, glass cleans, but I use a python system so its not exactly strenuous, I only clean out my filters when the flow reduces so once every 6-8 months is normal.
The maintenance itself is not hard work, what is hard work is finding a quiet hour to actually do it!
I love cleaning day on the tanks weekly and fry tank daily,the satisfaction of cleaning down the glass and doing waterchanges,although my muscles are growing with the bucket lifting :rolleyes:
My 55 gal takes around 45 mins,sometimes longer if i do the filters also,although filter clean on the externals normally happen 6-8 weeks apart and i do this the day before a w/c has the bits sometimes shoot back out making the tank murky.
The smaller fry tank & pygmy tank takes around 30 mins each,i find cleaning the smaller tanks more taxing than the big tank,but not hard work,has i get a sense of acheivement from sitting back and seeing them destroy all the work i've done,especially the cories,they go crazy over the newly turned sand that i've lovingly pushed back into place and proceed to dig holes in it and shove it to one side again :lol:
Its all part of caring for your pets and its not hard work once your tank is mature and you know what you are doing! When I first started I did everything the hard way , but you soon learn! I have a 250L tank which used to take me best part of a hour to do!. I used to syphon off the weekly 30% water change into a huge pastic tub, then gravel vac, then empty the tub bucketful by bucketful down the loo cos it was too heavy, then boil up 2 huge pans of water and several kettles, then top up my tank a bucketful at a time mixing the boiling water with the cold and measure the corect 10 mls of dechlor into each bucket!! :hyper:

Boy was I dumb! Now I gravel vac while I syphon it all off straight down the loo with a super long hose, use the hot water from the tank mixed with cold and dump the decholor all in the first bucket. I also now use pond dechlor as its much cheaper! Now my tank takes me 20 minutes if that! :good:

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