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  1. K

    Um? Tail Issue

    I think it's stupid that the U.S. is still using metric, it's so much work.
  2. K

    Help! Beat Up Male

    Thanks guys I will do a bigger water change everyday (I do small water changes every day as long as im home long enough to do it because I had to do fish in cycles started about two months ago in the tank he's in. even if it is cycled by now i like doing small water changes every day, gives me...
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    First Bubble Nest!

    I had no idea thats what the bubbles in my males tank was. I thought I was letting it get dirty or something (which i thought was odd since i do water changes more often then i prob need too) wow! is it normal for females to do this?
  4. K

    Help! Beat Up Male

    I keep my male and female in a divided 7gal tank and my male somehow got over the divider into the females side and she seems almost untouched (2 splits in her end tailfin) but my male has several splits and some still hanging off. What should I do. I put the female in the other divided tank...
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    When Will A Tank Become Cycled?

    I have had one of my tanks for atleast two months, im not sure the exact date. When should it be cycled. I have been doing a fish-in cycle to the T as said in a thread on this forum (I had no idea about cycling the tanks and had no other choice:() I have no way to buy a test because I know no...
  6. K

    everything is alright now:)

    everything is alright now:)
  7. K

    Why Do We Name Or Bettas

    To be honest, on Valentines day when Joshua took me to PetCo I didn't know what fish I was going to get, I wanted Bella, a very pretty pink and red female betta, and I decided she needed friends so i just told the lady to pick two more. I put them in a bowl (I know that's horrible!! trust me...
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    Lethargic Female

    untreated pine says my neighbor lol we sanded them down to make the fit, so any coatings were taken off either way:)
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    1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!

    I love all Betta's, I can't force myself to pick a type, color, or gender! Show me any color or type of Betta and ill love em:)
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    Lethargic Female

    thanks!!:) I had help from my handyman neighbor. I just hope the filter can filter through the screen! it seems to be doing it well, the water is very clear.
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    Sorority Question

    I just had to seperate my sorority of 4 female betta's. I would only reccomend this if you have a lot of time to watch the female betta's because I had one beaten to death in a day's time, without even knowing that they were fighting. And have lots of plants and places for the fish to hide if...
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    Lethargic Female

    the rim is wood, the screen is a hard cloth material, and the staples are aluminum so no rust will occur, and their held in by the pressure.
  13. K

    Lethargic Female

    That night i made dividers of my 7 gallon and 5 gallon for my one betta and three females. They are all happy in their own little spaces. If anyone wants pictures of my homemade dividers id be happy to post some.
  14. K

    Silly Question Can Betta Jump

    Funny everyone talks about their's jumping, my male is the only one I have seen and that's when i put my hand in to move things around, or to suck out stuff with a turkey baster. He gets very happy to see my hand, or fingers, and loves to nibble on it:) he makes my day!
  15. K

    Lethargic Female

    I let them beat my fish up to death, and now they all have to live in half of a tank. I should have never gotten the new three females, I should have divided my tank for the one male and one female. I feel terrible:(
  16. K

    Lethargic Female

    I spent the night at my boyfriends last night, I come back this morning, and Ellie had passed away:( I have two 7 gal. tanks, one has my male, the other had the four females. I will be dividing both tanks in half for the fish.
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    Lethargic Female

    The bully female is now out and the lethargic one seems fine for now but of course the light is off so they are all resting now. I will see how tomorrow's interactions are and go from there. I was so happy that they were getting along so well. I hope this is just a speed bump! Thanks for all the...
  18. K

    Lethargic Female

    She is housed with three other female betta's who have been together for about 2 weeks now and this is the first time I have seen any of them pick on her. I have put the one going after her in a bag floating on the side of the tank. Should I put the one being bullied in the bag instead?
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    Lethargic Female

    My female betta, Ellie, has been chased by another female today (first time I have seen any fight) and I removed the female who was causing it and put her in a bag and she's on the side of the tank so Ellie can rest. She's laying on the bottom underneath the bridge in the tank. I only saw her...
  20. K

    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    Ugh! I hate to be bothersome but Rosy, has developed this white thing coming out of her. My first female died with a white stringy thing coming out, and all the other females have one developing. I have a picture of Rosie's it's very prominent. What could this be? Is it a parasite? And how...
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    On my Male Betta, Little Joshua, it looks like the two very little fins right underneath his head are white at the bottom like something is wrong with them. The picture isn't very clear but here:
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    This one, Ellie, is veryy camera Happy and would only face the camera! But I got this, hopefully it will help?
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    I am inclined to agree with you, I just told my bf that that looks like the one above who someone else had turn into a male. I will be keeping an eye out for all of them, now that I have seen the transformation. I released my original female and hae only had a few squabbles! Success so far!:)
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    Silver rabbit: How long should I keep my original female in the bag? Your advice worked perfectly the new girls are not fighting with my original in the bag. When should I release her? Anyone else could answer if you know.
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    I went into a very nice shop, called Aqua Corals Reef Aquariums and I didn't realize that all of the fish would obviously be saltwater. I think I might have to eventually have to have one freshwater, one salt:) But the lady who owned it also knew a lot about freshwater as well and she helped me...
  26. K

    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    My ultimate goal is to get a bigger tank and keep them all together. I have one more day of school and then a week off for spring break. I will try putting them in bags and slowly introducing them to eachother that way as you mentioned. If that does not work ill get crafty and make dividers. My...
  27. K

    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    Is there any other tips you could give me? It's very well planted and I would hate to keep the new girls in cups because It could be quite awhile before I could upgrade to a bigger tank unfortunately. Im not even sure if all of them are indeed females.
  28. K

    Hi! You said four female betta's are best. i just got three new ones to introduce to my original...

    Hi! You said four female betta's are best. i just got three new ones to introduce to my original female and after 20 minutes of nonstop fighting I seperated them. What should I do?
  29. K

    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    I added all three "females" to the tank with my other female, I bought them at a different pet store and immediately violence ensued and I was afraid one of them would get hurt. Now all of the fish are seperated. The ones I just bought are back in their cups (I hated putting them back) My...
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

    I have him in a tank with my female and not much fighting has occurred at all. They have been together since Febuary, should i remove him?? I am adding three new females to the tank on hopes of building a sorority.
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    Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

  32. K

    Female Bettas

    Male or female??
  33. K

    Female Bettas

    i will definitely divide them. My filter won't turn on, I have done exactly what it says and it keeps turning off. its whirring, but it's not filter-ing. is there anything i could do? or should i just take it back?
  34. K

    Female Bettas

    Thanks for all the opinions! I originally had three female bettas in a 2 gallon and one of them died (I think she was sick when I got her she never swimmed around and didn't eat from the beginning) I just recently bought the 5 gallon and they honestly don't know what to do with all the space...
  35. K

    Female Bettas

    I have two female betta's, or atleast the fish store PetCo had them as female. One is pink with darker pink on the edges of her fins and the other one is very blue. I was wondering how to tell if they really are female. Both have very short fins and as I have been told thats how you know between...