First Bubble Nest!


New Member
May 5, 2010
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So Samson finally did it - he built his first ever bubble nest. In fact he's still working on expanding it as I type! I have some pics of Samson (finally!) and of his nest below. I also have a quick question: The past day or two prior to building his nest, I noticed Samson flaring almost constantly. At first I wondered if he was seeing his reflection or something, but putting a blanket over various areas or changing the lighting didn't seem to help. After leaving for several hours this afternoon and coming home to his very first bubble nest, I'm wondering if he was being more "dominant" or aggressive in preparation for making a nest. Do any of your bettas display extra flaring in the day(s) prior to building a bubble nest? Just curious...

Anyway, as promised, here are some pics! I'm also putting together a couple of videos - one of Samson doing his happy dance swim, and another of him building his bubble nest - which I'll post links to once they're done. Thanks to everyone who's given advice so far with Samson's picky eating habits - he's now eating 2 Omega One pellets twice a day, substituted by blood worms once a week and a pea/fasting once a week. Seems pretty happy to me! Thanks again, and enjoy the pics!

Just swimming around:



My favorites:



Bubble nest:



First bubble nests are very exciting. My boy built his first bubble nest last week (I took photos too). I didn't notice any difference in his behaviour and was shocked to see his nest. I went out to work, said bye to him as usual, came back and there was his nest :).

Samson is very pretty :).
It's not agrression,it's a sign that they are comfortable and content with their home :good:
I love it when they build there first nest, makes you feel so proud of them and you know they must be happy in there home.

Samson is very pretty :wub:
I had no idea thats what the bubbles in my males tank was. I thought I was letting it get dirty or something (which i thought was odd since i do water changes more often then i prob need too) wow! is it normal for females to do this?
I had no idea thats what the bubbles in my males tank was. I thought I was letting it get dirty or something (which i thought was odd since i do water changes more often then i prob need too) wow! is it normal for females to do this?

No, well only if they are forced too. I've known of female bettas building a bubble nest as a forced activation but it's not common at all.

You sure you got females lol
I had no idea thats what the bubbles in my males tank was. I thought I was letting it get dirty or something (which i thought was odd since i do water changes more often then i prob need too) wow! is it normal for females to do this?

No, well only if they are forced too. I've known of female bettas building a bubble nest as a forced activation but it's not common at all.

You sure you got females lol

Lol, yes I'm sure they are female they have both dropped eggs ( the only male i have "was a female" according to petco. ) I ask because my female that was in the divided tank with Little Joshua had a built a very small bubble nest after dancing around near the divider with little joshua lol I only put her in the tank because she had gotten very eggy and had not dropped for awhile. she is back with my other female in my other divided tank.
my newest male renji started building one the other day, he didnt get very far though was interesting to watch :lol:

nice betta you have there ;)

i like the log also, where did you get it? how much it cost? -_-

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