Sorority Question


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I'm moving some of my fish into their new 55 gallon soon and I've been thinking on what I'd like to do with my current 29 gallon. I'd really like to start a sorority. But I just want to know if this stocking would be okay?

5 female bettas
5 platys
1 molly
1 guppy
3 oto catfish

There's already 1 platy, 1 molly, and 1 guppy so they'd have to stay in the tank.
be very careful with sorority tanks, while some female bettas do well in a group, others do not and you can end up like with a tank like mine where i only have one female betta because she killed off the rest of the tank.
If the platys or mollies are brightly colored it could be an issue, but I'm not sure. I tend to have bettas only in sororities or with a few very bland tankmates.
I've had one female betta in my community tank with platies and there hasn't been an issue. So do you think it would be the same with more than one? Maybe I could try it and if it doesn't work out then just move the girls to their own tank?
Each betta has a different personality. It might work with one and not the other. The back-up tank plan sounds good. The important thing to keep in mind is if you're not sure, pay close attention to their behavior. Good luck! :good:
I'm leaning over to say no, if your guppies or mollys are on the aggressive side. Female bettas, apparently suffer PMT On a regular basis :lol:

If you can get a tank divider, you maybe able to keep them together and see if the female bettas try to go for them through the net. Trial and error I supose.
I just had to seperate my sorority of 4 female betta's. I would only reccomend this if you have a lot of time to watch the female betta's because I had one beaten to death in a day's time, without even knowing that they were fighting. And have lots of plants and places for the fish to hide if they are being bullied:) good luck!
I do plan on making the tank planted. And I'll probably add them on a Friday so there will be the entire weekend to watch them and make sure they're okay. If all else fails then they'll all have to get their own tanks. And I love an excuse to get more aquariums ;) haha

I have one female in her own tank at the moment, and maybe I could try her in the tank to see how they react. I think I might not add any more platys and just keep the molly, guppy, and platy. Plus, none of them are aggressive so I wouldn't want to risk getting new fish that would be.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

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