Um? Tail Issue

and just an FYI-
those walmart storage containers are WAY overpriced! i think i recently bought a bigger one for around $7 (for clothes storage...would be fine short/long term for the fish)...honestly you can find "better" betta tanks for a lot less money! check craigslist or get the biggest critter keeper you can find (if you have a "vessel" that is large enough to hold a small heater and VERY small, home-made filter (basically, small plastic container-fishfood tub or clean prescription bottle, and air pump and tubing), you dont need to go buy anything else to make a small filter.
Looks like you got tail biters, considering they are cramed in such tiny spaces.

They'd need atleast 15 ltrs each (think that is 4gals?) and lots of hiding places.
I got a idea to save loads of money, I can get a 10g tank ok? then devide it and now i wont have to buy all the stuff to make a container aquarium
How many gallons is this? 8.75" L X 14.5" W X 9.75???? REPLIES ALWAYS WELCOME :good:
5 gallons per fish would be perfect.

If you want to work out the size of your tank (from dimensions)

[Length (inches) x width (inches) x height (inches)] ALL divided by 231 = Tank Volume in Gallons.

1 US Gallon = 3.786 litres (so if you see a tank in litres you can work it out too - assume 4 litres per galon as it'll be easier to work out :)).
I think it's stupid that the U.S. is still using metric, it's so much work.

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