Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included

Silver rabbit: How long should I keep my original female in the bag? Your advice worked perfectly the new girls are not fighting with my original in the bag. When should I release her?

Anyone else could answer if you know.
It really depends who the alpha female is, I presume it would be the first female as it is her territory, could be why they are all getting on whilst she is bagged, there will always be one alpha in a group usually it is the largest fish but if they are of equal size then they tend to scuffle a bit trying to work out who it should be as long as there is enough hidey holes I would leave them be, they will get used to one another and calm down, my girls squabble every now and then but rarely injure one another, they are just working out who's boss.
(bought today as females)

I dunno why but I am inclined to say this one maybe male.............but I am crap at telling them. The body looks more slim lined male, than female.

Very pretty though x
(bought today as females)

I dunno why but I am inclined to say this one maybe male.............but I am crap at telling them. The body looks more slim lined male, than female.

Very pretty though x

I am inclined to agree with you, I just told my bf that that looks like the one above who someone else had turn into a male. I will be keeping an eye out for all of them, now that I have seen the transformation. I released my original female and hae only had a few squabbles! Success so far!:)
(bought today as females)

I dunno why but I am inclined to say this one maybe male.............but I am crap at telling them. The body looks more slim lined male, than female.

Very pretty though x
that is a female, note the egg spot

Here you will now see my utter no knowledge with bettas.............what's an egg spot?

It's the little white dot that you can just about see between the large anal fin and the ventral fins of the fish because the pic is quite small I wasn't sure it was the egg spot or just reflection from the fins but the body shape suggests that this fish is female, if you can get a close up it will help, they all look like girls though :good:
This one, Ellie, is veryy camera Happy and would only face the camera! But I got this, hopefully it will help?
On my Male Betta, Little Joshua, it looks like the two very little fins right underneath his head are white at the bottom like something is wrong with them. The picture isn't very clear but here:
On my Male Betta, Little Joshua, it looks like the two very little fins right underneath his head are white at the bottom like something is wrong with them. The picture isn't very clear but here:

I wouldn't worry that is just colouration and is perfectly normal, he is very nice, I still say the blue fish you are unsure about is female looking at the pics, are you able to see her egg spot? it will be a fairly visible bright white spot on her belly this is a sure sign she's a girl.
Glad to hear things are working out. In general i've never kept the original female out for too long. Maybe a couple hours while I rearrange the tank, acclimatise the newbies and then release her :)
Ugh! I hate to be bothersome but Rosy, has developed this white thing coming out of her. My first female died with a white stringy thing coming out, and all the other females have one developing. I have a picture of Rosie's it's very prominent.
What could this be? Is it a parasite? And how should I go about treating it? They're all active and eating and seems perfectly healthy.

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