Male Or Female Betta? Pic Included


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2010
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Male, they thought he was female because he has short fins, whoever you bought it from wasnt at all experienced and knows very little about fighter fish.
Male, they thought he was female because he has short fins, whoever you bought it from wasnt at all experienced and knows very little about fighter fish.

I agree, a very lovely male IMO. There's too much point to the anal fin for a female and the dorsal base is too wide.
i also say male, well you saved some money on him as females tend to be cheaper :good:
Here's how little most pet stores know on sexing bettas.

My betta sold as a female,

Same betta months later,
very pretty male you got there =]

Keithp - that transformation is spectacular! :wub: congrats on the good job
I have him in a tank with my female and not much fighting has occurred at all. They have been together since Febuary, should i remove him?? I am adding three new females to the tank on hopes of building a sorority.
I added all three "females" to the tank with my other female, I bought them at a different pet store and immediately violence ensued and I was afraid one of them would get hurt. Now all of the fish are seperated. The ones I just bought are back in their cups (I hated putting them back) My original female is back in the 7 gallon tank and the male in their original 2.5 gallon bowl. Any suggestions? Pictures will be posted of the new betta's as well as my original female.
(original female)

(bought today as females)



Can you tell me what I should do and the best way to make a sorority? Considering they are all females.
7 gals is a bit small for a sorority.. female bettas are aggressive and territorial, and there won't be enough territory in that sized tank for them all to be happy, lol.

I've found 5-6 females to be best to spread out aggression, with good results in 10-15gal very well planted tanks. PLants are very important because if one is being bullied, they can get out of the line of sight of the bully.

Also, when adding new girls, it's a good idea to take out the originals, float them in a bag or something, add the newbies and then release the originals. Helps ease thing a bit
7 gals is a bit small for a sorority.. female bettas are aggressive and territorial, and there won't be enough territory in that sized tank for them all to be happy, lol.

I've found 5-6 females to be best to spread out aggression, with good results in 10-15gal very well planted tanks. PLants are very important because if one is being bullied, they can get out of the line of sight of the bully.

Also, when adding new girls, it's a good idea to take out the originals, float them in a bag or something, add the newbies and then release the originals. Helps ease thing a bit

Is there any other tips you could give me? It's very well planted and I would hate to keep the new girls in cups because It could be quite awhile before I could upgrade to a bigger tank unfortunately. Im not even sure if all of them are indeed females.
Hard for me to tell from those pics if they're all girls or not... i'm not very good at telling sometimes!

Is there a way you can divide up your 7gal into individual sections for the girls? You can use craft mesh with paper binder things from a stationery shop. I used craft mesh with just rigid plastic from other divider I had. This way no one has to be kept in a cup and you won't have to worry about fighting.

In this thread you can see a good example of home made dividers
My ultimate goal is to get a bigger tank and keep them all together. I have one more day of school and then a week off for spring break. I will try putting them in bags and slowly introducing them to eachother that way as you mentioned. If that does not work ill get crafty and make dividers. My original three including the now male were a gift for valentines day. If I had known they were so non-friendly I probably would have picked out other fish. It was their colors that drew me in. DARN THE BEAUTIFUL BETTA'S THEY'RE ADDICTING.
bettas are also known as a gate way drug into the fish world. alot of fish keepers will tell you they started off with a betta (or goldfish) and it led them down the path to other fish.

this isn't a bad thing and i still keep bettas, but because of them i have a plethra of new fish i call my own.
bettas are also known as a gate way drug into the fish world. alot of fish keepers will tell you they started off with a betta (or goldfish) and it led them down the path to other fish.

this isn't a bad thing and i still keep bettas, but because of them i have a plethra of new fish i call my own.

I went into a very nice shop, called Aqua Corals Reef Aquariums and I didn't realize that all of the fish would obviously be saltwater. I think I might have to eventually have to have one freshwater, one salt:) But the lady who owned it also knew a lot about freshwater as well and she helped me fix my filter which is now successfully filtering again. IT had FAILED to work for about a day during this whole male or female problem. Thank you guys for all your help!! I really appreciate it:)

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