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  1. C

    my baby

    i named him today, his name is Fresh Prince :rofl:
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    Discus Discus Discus!

    sweet gotta love discus :D
  3. C

    cycling products do they work or are they a ripoff

    damn thats the problem im having now..... completley redoing the fish tank and then adding it at the same time and adding fish bad idea eh...? right now im changing water daily and got my blue ram in a 2.5gal the other fish seem fine atm
  4. C

    cycling products do they work or are they a ripoff

    check this link out im considering it maybe
  5. C

    bad news guys

  6. C

    bad news guys

    sorry to hear that.... i know where u coming from been there.... im hoping now my ram will be good to go he is not sick just waiting to be put in the 29gal that has high ammonia atm so he is next to the pc in the 2.5g but sorry for your loss :sad:
  7. C

    whats this fish?

    oe day im gonan talk my gf into taking my 29g for some parrots, down here they are called jelly beans they go for around $8-$15 so once she is talked into it i can get my 75gal :D
  8. C

    Breeding bettas now

    Good Luck bro........ my first project at breeding will be Rams or Kribs....well it would be second turn with kribs once the tank is ready i plan on getting 1 more ram and 1 pair of kribs, rams im not experienced with but kribs are fun to breed :cool:
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    actually i dont knwo if there is anything my ram will not eat besides flakes, he LOVES the granules and frozen shrimp currently he is in a 2.5gal till my 29gal gets up to good standards and he is sitting right next to my monitor so he constantly stares at me like "Feed Me" :D he is still a...
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    55 Gallon Re-Aquascape

    sweet tank, i cant wait till i start setting my 75 gallon up nov/dec possibly :hey:
  11. C

    HI new here

    my fish is better then yours :-P
  12. C

    what can i do :(

    well the ammonia in the 29gal has dropped it is still bad (1.5) but i placed the ram by himself on my pc desk in a 2.5gal which i tested the water and turned out much better so he should be fine - the rest of the fish never showed symtons to start with none of them actually did but im not trying...
  13. C

    what can i do :(

    also everyone especially temp for the help, yall been a great help tomorrow 50% of the water will be changed and take it from there i bought ammonia stuff liek u said ddreams but not sure if it was what u said i will look for it tomorrow at the LFS my stuff is in a small puch and has gravel like...
  14. C

    what can i do :(

    would the shark be to much to keep, if i would cycle with the cory,ram and shark?? and take out the pleco and neon if the shark is to much i can find a home for him
  15. C

    my baby

    h ehas been inthe tank but the water condition hasnt been good so tomorrow im buying an extra tank to place him and my cory in
  16. C

    what can i do :(

    well tomorrow im starting up a 10gal tank to qurantine my ram and cory
  17. C

    what can i do :(

    it just beats the hell ou tof me people buy a tank at walmart set it up go back get fish dont do anything liek add chlorimine remover all the good stuff and they have perfect fine lives with fish, here i am trying to do the best for my little friends and nothing goes good for me :(
  18. C

    what can i do :(

    so no hope in keeping them...... im changing water each morning 20-25% and testing the water i will have all results tomorrow
  19. C

    my baby

    im just worried abou tmy little buddy with my water condition atm :no:
  20. C

    Did i make my fish blind???

    my cory and bala shark dont stop going around the tanka nd up and down on the glass i just figured they where hyper been doing that since i got them
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    what can i do :(

    id have to find the readings i had them yesterday ph is 7.5-8 nitrite= 0 ammonia is the only problem i can think of with the tank at the moment but i also hear when it goes down then the nitrite goes up....
  22. C

    what can i do :(

    this is the first week for the fish tank is a few weeks old, it ran a mini cycle and its 29gal what trips me out is a few years ago when i knew absolutley NOTHING about this i used straight tap water and had a pleco 4 tiger barbs and a pair of kribs and i did not have a single problem, now that...
  23. C

    what can i do :(

    i have a bad ammonia problem right now at level 3 this is th eonly tank i have i was considering purchasing a 5-10gal and set it up temporary without gravel or maybe with if i even will, i went throuh a good amount of fish that must of died of this cause well im down to 1 bala shark 1 cory 1...
  24. hitlersmall2.jpg


  25. C

    my baby

  26. hitlersmall2.jpg


  27. C

    high ammonia

    i have heard guppies are not that "very" sensitive to this? well i been through 1 pair, the male i understand cause i believe the beta has gotten ahold of itbut the cory and shark are extremely fine :-| they both run aroudn the tank chasin eachother in the glass
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    high ammonia

    k thanx, angels have been the most effected by this nitrite is 0 and ph is 7.5 currently all good its just the ammonia has to be changed immeditly should i add chlorine and chloramine remover before into the new water before putting it in tank?? im trying my best to get this back on track :(
  29. C

    high ammonia

    how do i get rif my ammonia its at around 3 mg/l i need to get it down quick fishies been dying :( only ones happy are neons,bala shark and cory they ar ehaving a ball not being effected but im trying to get blue rams and kribensis ( i dont think kribs are effected by it caus ei never did...
  30. C

    Final fish to add?

    got any pics? guppies would be nice, personaly i dont hink mollies are that good looking im mor einto blue rams,kribensis but thats just me :) Good Luck
  31. C

    whats this stuff

    i got liek white dusty looking suff all over my plants and the dome in the tank i dont remeber it being in my last fish tank if this is a retarted question sorry but im getting started aand as i go on ill stop being annoying just wondering whats going on :-\
  32. C

    My Cory

    thanx - getting one more tomorrow so he has friend all he does is run around the tnk chasing his own reflection liek my bala shark i should take a video one day he is a interesting fish, a pair of blue rams and kribensis are in the process of being added also
  33. C

    Guppies male or female???

    wow i might be a bit new bu guppies are on of the easiest to tell apart IMO :-(
  34. C

    My Cory

    here he is i got picture of him hiding but its above 100K :sad:
  35. cory1.jpg


  36. C

    Sick angels?

    every since my tank been setup i have had a angel problem, they seem to be on top of the tank and trying to peek out looking liek they are starving for air...... i have been through 3 angels this week and one is remaining i bought a XL fancy angel and as soon as i put him he started this, this...
  37. C

    What can we put in with a betta?

    i went through this colorfule problem my beta took out 2 of my males, now i have no clue who but someone has gone after him his whole topfine is gone, only thing i can think is my bala shark (which is a wild one, races around the tank 24/7) or one of my angels which is much much smaller
  38. C

    cichlids and angels

    29gal for now, i will upgrade to 75gal shortly, but neither would bother the guppy and the beta wouldnt mess with them? i mean things always happen but im ready to head to the store 1st thing in the morning to get some :)
  39. C

    cichlids and angels

    well after reading up i discovered i can put a pair of rams and a pair of kribensis in the tank, only one worry left i have a preg female guppy who i worry about i been through 2 males and 1 female guppy this week, the female i understand passing due to a mistake in choosing the place i...