Breeding bettas now


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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Gave up on my gouramis. They just weren't up to the task (and I am far too impatient. :/).

Now I'm trying my hand with bettas.

Current setup:
male in 10 gallon and female in a jar in the tank

The male is flaring constantly. How long till he starts the nest? Do I have to move the female for him to start the nest?
Here is the link to the pinned topic on breeding Bettas:

It may answer your questions. Every pair is different so there's really no way to say how long till he builds a nest, some never do, Lol

One thing though, if you don't have the patience for Gouramis, Bettas probably aren't going to be any better, they can be just a difficult. Also, you're going to need the patience to take take of the fry, especially when it's time to jar the males (and some females), and then you'll be doing almost daily water changes in dozens of jars/tanks.

You can also check out the page on breeding Bettas (as well as fry raising and other information) at my website, here's the link to the breeding page:

Good luck :)

It's not so much that I don't have patience but that I had them in there for some time and they would not cooperate. Just didn't want to breed I guess.

And the one time they did breed, a while back, I ended up finding out too late that they had bred and ended up with only a handful of fry that ended up dying.

As for the pinned thread, already went over it, but will do so again.

I just wanted to know if I should put the female in their at intervals in a jar, straight in in a while, or both at once. The article says the last one, but I doubt that she's laden with eggs.
Good Luck bro........ my first project at breeding will be Rams or Kribs....well it would be second turn with kribs once the tank is ready i plan on getting 1 more ram and 1 pair of kribs, rams im not experienced with but kribs are fun to breed :cool:
Done plenty of research, too, but fish temperaments and mentalities can't be dissected and weighed scientifically. Therefore I'd like opinions on how people breed them.

The impatience was also due to the fact that the female was ready, but the male wasn't (probably a rare occurrence, too). When he was ready, she wasn't.

Also, I asked for triggers a while back, despit having done research. Why? Because of contradicting info on what temp water would get them to spawn.

Anyways, I plan on being more patient with these guys since there is more info on them and that more people on TFF have bred them.
Welcome to the darkside

What kind of tail are u breeding?

Im planning on breeding a new DT HM Pair

Maybe we could work togethere? :whistle:
Sure. However deterrents are that this is my first time and that they are a veiltale and a female (without any visible unique tail shape).

Well tempers Ive been conditioinin some of my Bettas that got sent from wuv

The Orange female is conditioin and so is The Male MG CT

The female is also But I give her another week.... :)

I added u to my MSN

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