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  1. C

    New Discus

    Thanks everyone :) still debating to get the third who is stuck at the LFS now hemmed up in a corner....... :/ aussie - they are pigeon bloods
  2. C

    how much will he eat....

    i have 3" GSP in Brackish with 1M 2F Black Mollys, my question is how much do i feed him and how many times a day Cheers,
  3. C

    29G african stock

    i would take the overstocking adive but i dont know about on a 29G this is just a Temo home till they get there final destination....and looking at the tank now seeing the labs and zebra flying around it im really liking the Yellow and Orange it really stands out n this tank of course i would...
  4. C


    not with me - my 20G isnt as wide......
  5. C

    29G african stock

    i set the 29G up to put the africans in (they where never in it they have been in my 55G) looking quite happy witht he zebra i might say and i also said something about discus but i forgot....i just added 2 to my collection (off-topic)
  6. C

    get it or not?

    i have heard about them eating neons just liek angels i have never seen this happen, and i have seen many angels and discus with neons in my past i would LOVE t get 5 but i dont have the tanks pace i hardly got space for these till i move my community tank to a bigger size in 2-3 months, but...
  7. C

    get it or not?

    the LFS got 3 discus in today i grabbed 2 of them they are in my 29G for 3 months with pair of rams,2 ottos,6 corys.8 or so neons......i hear discus do better in a pack well i got the neon school... but then also stocking is a question also this tank will become a 55G but not at this moment, i...
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    im curious about 2 pairs in a 29G.... or possibly 1M 3F ratio just diff species, they have long finned rams and golden rams at the LFS... but i have others in my 29 including 2 discus
  9. C

    New Discus

    no i havent named them yet, one is a bit small and the other is maybe 3" they are in my 29G till i free my 55G in february
  10. C

    where can i put him?

    i have a 5" pictus cat i need to find a tank for, he has been in my 55G with cichlids now its just him a 6" front and a juvi front the front like to go after him occasionally then i have a 29G malawi with 6 labs and 1 red zebra, tank not really big enough for him and these fish are in here for...
  11. C

    New Discus

    what can i say CICHLIDS is the way to go..... i got these 2 guys today for my community tank, got rid of 1 kenyi and 5 kribensis yesterday to straighten tank situations.
  12. C

    29G african stock

    well the 29G is setup now running with a cycled filter - im going ot add the Labs and Zebra in the next few days....and just keep it a species tank besides the zebra :D i also acquired 2 Discus today for my Community :grr:
  13. C

    29G african stock

    oh this is definantly a start out tank fror these fish till my 55G has space, currently im down to 6 labs and 1 red zebra so its not all to bad anymore,just have to work on my 20G going brackish before i move the cichlids
  14. C

    Fridmani Pseudochromis compatible?

    are green spotted puffers and Fridmani Pseudochromis compatible?
  15. C


    i havent had any problems thus far from the GSP with the mollys sometimes he chases a female around thats it, i got rid of 5 kribensis today who where still in the tank so now it can go full brackish, so hopefully i get lucky and the GSP wont mind the Mollys
  16. C

    Brine shrimp

    i usually take a cup of water fromt he tank drop 1 1/2 in the water - due to my frontosa eating 1 cube to himself and still having greedy labs
  17. C

    29G african stock

    yeah i understand i stepped in a big whole by purchasing the GSP which i have a tank for cycling next plan is clear my 55G except my 2 fronts, so whatever has to go to the LFS will have to go, so far it looks liek 5 kribensis due to not having space for them
  18. C

    Structured backgrounds

    i got a foam background today with build in filter....what kind of glue could i use to attach it to the back or hold it down....
  19. C

    GSP and others

    i have heard of a 35G im not sure how many fish for SW i could put possibly 2?
  20. C


    how is your molly doing? i have 3 mollys im curious about putting them and my GSP in a 20G BW tank they are in FW at the moment once the GSP reaches 4" i want to take him to SW in a 35G
  21. C

    Green spot puffer

    im doing research on putting the GSP in my 20G till spring then he will be moved to a 35G but would he be ok...for 3 months? the 35G will be SW so i would wait till he hits 4" in the 20G
  22. C

    pictus cat in brackish

    yeah he looks pretty bored, and the frontosa hates him, i have ot turn my kribs in tomorrow to make space for the malawi and free space for frontosa
  23. C

    pictus cat in brackish

    i will ask him tomorrow again so i know for sure that the GSP has been living in brackish, im just trying to find a tank for the pictus since im more then likley making the 20G brackish, 29G malawi 29G Community 55G Frontosa
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    pictus cat in brackish

    i know the owner well and they are indeed pictus cats, i discussed getting one but i decided n a 5" pictus i found, and when i asked he said the tank was brackish
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    29G african stock

    can Pseudotropeus demasoni start out in a 29G??? and besides that what could go with labs,red zebra,kenyi?? i wont be adding stock for a quite bit of time but j/w
  26. C

    GSP in 20G?

    could a GSP be started out in a 20G? i got one fromt he LFS yesterday who was in FW there so he is still in it now, but i got a new tank today and considered converting it to Brackish, he would possibly in it up to 2.5-3.5" and then i would liek to look into a 35G Hexagon to convert to SW...
  27. C

    pictus cat in brackish

    i seen at my LFS they had 3" Pictus Catfish, in brackish water with GSP's and Motos
  28. C


    the 20gal is clearing now, runnign the filte ron it i put play sand in this one..... just cant decide to put a few kribs (possibly) with neons and mollys, or just making this tank brackish to house the puffer and pictus - i know the puffer will be to big within time but by that time i will...
  29. C


    80% of the fish in the 55G are going into my 29G, and i just solved alot of problems i went to the LFS and seen a 20G with a nice Background i forget what they are called its a styro back, i couldnt afford a big tank yet so this will house community fish i have temproray and one day i can use it...
  30. C


    well a 10 gallon is going to let me do all that, i have all the equipment just need the 10G tank and remove the mollys and neons to make space for the rest and the kribs or most likley going to the LFS, that has been running through my mind for a month or so.. the 10g im just going to stash...
  31. C

    higher ppm

    what about putting coral in my filter? does that filter alot of useful subsatnce out??? i have heard of peopel doing it due to they didnt want hte sharp objects in their tank
  32. C

    higher ppm

    no this is concering one of my spare 29G..the 55G is perfect on the GH scale
  33. C


    well right now, the GSP is in FW which he is fine in for now, i read he has to be adapted to BW in due time or even SW (thats what my plan is) the reason i was going to put my cichlids with him due to it being a semi-aggressive tank, filteration wont be a problem thats well taken care of....but...
  34. C


    well i expected a post like this from you :D
  35. C

    higher ppm

    general hardness
  36. C

    Green spot puffer

    i look around this site and just google green Spotted Puffer and a few links come up
  37. C


    no i was going to move the cichlids back to the 29G the ones in the 55G came from one of the 29G i kind of did by inches a 29G can take 32" 29G-A: GSP KRIBENSIS LABS RED X KENYI totals 30" 29G-B: RAMS CORYS NEONS PICTUS (iffy) Totals 30" the mollys would end up in the 5G, leaving the 2.5G...
  38. C

    GH for Pictus

    can pictus cats live in GH greater then 10? 179ppm i seen them in a brakish tank at the LFS so i was wondering if mine could go in this enviroment he is in 108ppm now
  39. C


    soory about all the stocking questions etc but this is a emergency, how many fish can be in a 2.5gal and a 5gal? i also have a 10gal but no lights i need to clear my 55G OUT!!! except frontosas i have the red x,kenyi,pictus,6 labs in it.... i thinki can move enough fish around to clear the...