
80% of the fish in the 55G are going into my 29G, and i just solved alot of problems i went to the LFS and seen a 20G with a nice Background i forget what they are called its a styro back, i couldnt afford a big tank yet so this will house community fish i have temproray and one day i can use it as a fry tank WAY DOWN THE ROAD

the 2.5G is just for bettas and the 5G is just a hatchery i was only going to put 3 mollies in the 5G in worse case but with having the 20 it makes everything MUCH MUCH MUCH easier
the 20gal is clearing now, runnign the filte ron it i put play sand in this one..... just cant decide to put a few kribs (possibly) with neons and mollys, or just making this tank brackish to house the puffer and pictus - i know the puffer will be to big within time but by that time i will possibly have a 35G hexagon for him to go into

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