29G african stock


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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can Pseudotropeus demasoni start out in a 29G???

and besides that what could go with labs,red zebra,kenyi??
i wont be adding stock for a quite bit of time but j/w
There isn't a single mbuna that should be kept in a 30" tank. 36" is an absolute minimum. Even at that length, there are only a few appropriate mbuna. Zebras, demasoni, and kenyi are DEFINITELY not among them. This was what I meant when I expressed concern with your Frontosa plans.

That's my advice. Take it or leave it. :dunno:
I agree. Inappropriate fish for the tank, or inappropriate tank for the fish, however you want to look at it.
yeah i understand i stepped in a big whole by purchasing the GSP which i have a tank for cycling now...my next plan is clear my 55G except my 2 fronts, so whatever has to go to the LFS will have to go, so far it looks liek 5 kribensis due to not having space for them
You could try whatever you want at your own risk, personally i haven't got any problems with my current stock(my sig), and I can't tell you that i won't have any problems since most of my fish are around 2 inches. Most of the guys gave you good advice, but it's you that can make the decision.....just my 2 cent.... :D
modernhamlet said:
There isn't a single mbuna that should be kept in a 30" tank. 36" is an absolute minimum. Even at that length, there are only a few appropriate mbuna. Zebras, demasoni, and kenyi are DEFINITELY not among them. This was what I meant when I expressed concern with your Frontosa plans.

That's my advice. Take it or leave it. :dunno:

this is the most sensible piece of advice possible...

spot on..
personally i haven't got any problems with my current stock(my sig), and I can't tell you that i won't have any problems since most of my fish are around 2 inches.

Yep, they're still youngun's, you ain't seen nothin yet :)
G_Sharky said:
You could try whatever you want at your own risk, personally i haven't got any problems with my current stock(my sig), and I can't tell you that i won't have any problems since most of my fish are around 2 inches. Most of the guys gave you good advice, but it's you that can make the decision.....just my 2 cent.... :D
that may or may not be a blood bath in a few more months :eek:

i would have a guess it will be though.

as for the original question...there would be no problem at all for P demasoni to start out in a 29g...as long as is it only to 'start out' or grow out.. anything more than a few months old then deffinatly not.. the word 'carnage' srings to mind :huh:
oh this is definantly a start out tank fror these fish till my 55G has space, currently im down to 6 labs and 1 red zebra so its not all to bad anymore,just have to work on my 20G going brackish before i move the cichlids
that may or may not be a blood bath in a few more months

i would have a guess it will be though.

I'm hoping it won't, but I'll definetely let you guys know.....I'll make myself as an example.....lol
well the 29G is setup now running with a cycled filter - im going ot add the Labs and Zebra in the next few days....and just keep it a species tank besides the zebra :D
i also acquired 2 Discus today for my Community :grr:
cluster said:
well the 29G is setup now running with a cycled filter - im going ot add the Labs and Zebra in the next few days....and just keep it a species tank besides the zebra :D
i also acquired 2 Discus today for my Community :grr:

i'm lost...

please explain :huh:
i set the 29G up to put the africans in (they where never in it they have been in my 55G)

looking quite happy witht he zebra i might say

and i also said something about discus but i forgot....i just added 2 to my collection (off-topic)

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