

Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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Can i fit 2 pairs of rams in my 20 gallon, i have caves and such i made today so they can have there terrorities
20g is a good size for a single pair. I wouldn't keep two pair in less than a 30g breeder or 40g tank. Just not enough space for everyone to get along, IMO.

In a 20g, I'd have 1 pair of rams with 6 medium-sized tetras (black phantoms, blue emperors, etc.) as ditherfish and a small group of corys or otos for balance.

Hope that helps... :thumbs:
i wouldnt suggest it, i actually wouldnt even do it in a 29G....now in a 55G it has enough footprint

im going to be making one of my 29G just for a pair of rams to breed
How about a 2 pairs of Rams in my 4'6" x 12" x 18" - 47G (Uk) tank ?!? ;)

Reading various threads etc, it looks like I've got plenty of room for 2 pairs ;) As long as I make 'caves' etc at either end of the tank for the pairs to create their territories.... :D
im curious about 2 pairs in a 29G.... or possibly 1M 3F ratio just diff species, they have long finned rams and golden rams at the LFS... but i have others in my 29 including 2 discus
If you get more female rams the females will bicker with each other too(prob not as bad as males though), especially in smaller tanks where aggression is increased b/c they will see each other more often. For me i have a breeding pair of blue rams with 2 more female(so a 1:3 ratio) blue rams in my 55g long(store told me they gave 2 pairs, but what do lfs know right?) but since they have alot of space, the females only occasionally quarrel when they meet.
So andyj i would say you can do it in your size of tank, just make sure there's tons of coverage/caves cus when they both breed they will use up almost half of your tank for territory so put those territories on opposite sides of the tank, as far away as possible.
Cluster my lfs also carries long finned gold and blue rams. I have a long finned blue ram and their so beautiful :wub: . Your discus will need most of the space so maybe i wouldn't introduce a pair.
I've got one pair of blue rams :wub: in my 38G, I was considering getting a pair of golden rams to go with them, but after reading this thread, I'm not so sure. the footprint is 3' x 1', do you think that is large enough for 2 pairs? I am also going to pick up about 5 panda corys after the holiday.
There are about 5 good caves/hiding spots that the current pair of rams utilize, but right now with the current inhabitants the bottom of the tank is entirely their domain. They do show a liking to one particular cave though, they've dug a few shallow holes in the sand and cleaned all of the rocks around it. I've set it up with two pairs of rams, with true "caves" on either end of the aquarium, with smooth rocks around each cave.
I would really love to get a pair of golden rams in there with them as it they will look absolutely stunning against the black sand.
:angry: no one answer my question i want more rams if u get more females would it work or would the females kill each other, i was thinking 2 gold rams
In a 20gal, one pair of rams is your best bet. Any more just won't work in the long run IMO. I like modernhamlet's suggestions for companion fish.
FrAnK3333 said:
:angry: no one answer my question i want more rams if u get more females would it work or would the females kill each other, i was thinking 2 gold rams
I wrote that big paragraph explaining how well more females than males work in a tank for you. I said the females will quarrel, but not kill eachother though . Personally i wouldn't buy anymore rams, it will just cause stress to the pair trying to breed and to the alone females who will be pushed around by the paired male and female who dont want them around.

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