

Fish Crazy
May 22, 2003
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Vermont, US (yes, it's a state)
I have a brackish tank setup currently with 2 GSP and a sailfin molly. Wanted to add a Shark Catfish. Was curious if those 3 species would get along in the proper sized tank? Not wondering about what size I need to keep them in, just curious if people think they would not kill each other. Right now, none of the fish are over 3" long. Water salinity is right around 1.006 now. Any thoughts on how friendly they would be or if they would be okay with each other would help. Thanks.
In my experience this would be a bad idea. I had a catfish and it was waiting to go to a friend of mine's house and he got massacared by my GSP. You watch your sail fins too, because GSP's are famous for being sneaky when it comes to beating up their tankmates. The only thing i have been able to keep alive with my GSP is a salt tolerable plecostomous. Good luck and I hope you have a better experience than i did!
Thanks for the reply. I have to admit that my sailfin molly has no problems with either of my GSP. I have had the molly for over 4 months or so now. He is a pretty active and fiesty one though. I agree that any fish to be added needs to have a close eye kept on it and need a place to put it if any aggression comes out of it. I guess the kind of catfish might make some difference as well. Was yours a shark catfish. Also, I am not sure if a pleco can be salt tolerable. I have heard it both ways, but I would think it might survive, but not be at its healthiest. Good luck with your tanks.

Anyone else with an idea about a shark catfish and GSP together.
how is your molly doing? i have 3 mollys im curious about putting them and my GSP in a 20G BW tank they are in FW at the moment once the GSP reaches 4" i want to take him to SW in a 35G
I have 2 sharks and 1 mollie together, but no GSP. The sharks hardly notice the mollie because they usually hang out at the bottom of the tank and the mollie is mid to top.
i havent had any problems thus far from the GSP with the mollys sometimes he chases a female around thats it, i got rid of 5 kribensis today who where still in the tank so now it can go full brackish, so hopefully i get lucky and the GSP wont mind the Mollys

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