

Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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soory about all the stocking questions etc but this is a emergency, how many fish can be in a 2.5gal and a 5gal? i also have a 10gal but no lights

i need to clear my 55G OUT!!! except frontosas
i have the red x,kenyi,pictus,6 labs in it....

i thinki can move enough fish around to clear the tank possiblyplace the cichlids wiht he puffer due to aggression of both, will know after checking water paremeters

and all this is because i want to make 55G a all frontosa tank im getting 1 female adult frontosa in the next few weeks, that way i can save up for a new tank.

Lemme get this straight, you want to keep the i have the red x,kenyi,pictus,6 labs in a 2.5, 5 and 10 gal? Don't do it, bad idea. If that's not what you're thinking about, then I apologise.
no i was going to move the cichlids back to the 29G the ones in the 55G came from one of the 29G

i kind of did by inches a 29G can take 32"


totals 30"

PICTUS (iffy)

Totals 30"

the mollys would end up in the 5G, leaving the 2.5G empty, but the pictus is a big ?
especially with rams and neons

this is only temporary if things look like they are till i get a bit more money in my pocket and move....
If you ask me, you already have too many fish and this purchase puts you into a dangerous position with respect to fish health in multiple tanks. Sorry, but I think you should reconsider your plans. :/

that deffinitly wouldnt work for the kribs because theyre too peaceful and the GSP is brackish :nod:

PICTUS (iffy)

as you said the pictus would eat the neons :no:


well right now, the GSP is in FW which he is fine in for now, i read he has to be adapted to BW in due time or even SW (thats what my plan is) the reason i was going to put my cichlids with him due to it being a semi-aggressive tank, filteration wont be a problem thats well taken care of....but how many neons could go in a 5G with 3 Mollies...any at all?
cluster said:
soory about all the stocking questions etc but this is a emergency, how many fish can be in a 2.5gal and a 5gal? i also have a 10gal but no lights
Sorry to be blunt, but how is this an emergency exactly? :dunno:
Cluster, you are getting way ahead of yourself here and putting yourself in a very bad position.

The GSP you purchased that I saw pictures of was at least 2" meaning you should already be starting brackish with it.

The chiclids may be sem-aggresive, but the puffer is not. They are territorial and can be flat mean. Sometimes they will leave other fish alone, but sometimes not, you are dreading on dangerous ground putting that many other fish in with it.

What you need to do is think of all your fish. Either return some to the LFS or wait until you can purchase more tanks.
well a 10 gallon is going to let me do all that, i have all the equipment just need the 10G tank and remove the mollys and neons to make space for the rest and the kribs or most likley going to the LFS, that has been running through my mind for a month or so..

the 10g im just going to stash under my 55G or somewhere hidden with the betta breeding tank and brine shrimp hatchery
Honestly, like everyone's said, you need to re-consider. You can't keep 3 mollies in anything less than 10 gallons and only 5 neons in a 5 gallon (alone). As for your other fish/tanks, others have already pointed out why they won't work. I realy think you should put the frontosa plan off for a little longer until you can re-home all the fish that you don't realy want.
cluster said:
well i expected a post like this from you :D
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but know that when I say something, it's for the good of the fish. You obvious do not understand the needs of many of the fish you got and are currently making the situation worse.

Now as you can see from all the other posts, I gave you good advice. It may not be what you wanted to hear, but it's good advice.

Please heed it.

Why is it that people like sylvia and I have to put disclaimers in our sigs just for giving honest and thorough advice?
Thanks mate!


I believe that you should heed the advice of the others. The only fish in there that I know anything about is the GSPs :wub:, the mollies and the neons.

I think Sylvia was saying 3 mollies in the 10 gal becuase they breed like crazy(?) and the neons because they can be quite skittish and 5gals is a small tank.

You cannot keep anything in a 2.5 gallon tank. I say no to even bettas, they should be kept in a 5 gal at least. They are fish that get to a fair size, although you may say that they are small fish, they need room the stretch their fins, and will enjoy a 5 gal more. Please note: Keeping your fish in the 2.5gal would be like putting them in a bucket!!!!!!

I think you are making a big mistake, and should not be moving them in the first place.

Unless of course you explain the emergency to us.

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