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  1. luque


    currently i have 3 ottos in my 16gal, there is more than enough algae in the tank :lol: i was just wondering if i would need to add more for them to be happy or not, also was wondering do they eat cucumber, just incase i run out of algae? thanks for any replies luke
  2. luque

    Gold Platies/red Platies

    yes they can, good luck :good:
  3. luque

    I Am Getting To Know More And More Every Minute On This Forum

    i agree aswell :hyper: , i mean when i started i had 2 koi carp and a goldfish in a 30litre :hyper: :crazy: :crazy: and thanks to you guys on here i now know loads :good: in tht 30l i now have 4 guppies and 2 platys :fun: so thanks once again :nod:
  4. luque

    Good Combination?

    agree with aquila :good: also it would be a good idea to see what catfish it is as alot can grow very big :/
  5. luque


    livebeares e.g guppies platys, these are colurful. and maybe add a few nice tetras once the tank matures
  6. luque

    Different Fish That Get Along With Livebearers

    hatchetfish for top dwellers, but how big is the tank etc?
  7. luque

    Platy Help

    does she look pregnant (fat) also a do you have a pic?
  8. luque

    Random Pics

    thats a whole lot of platys :lol: :lol:
  9. luque

    B Cubed And Friends

    nice tank, sorry to hear about your other one though :/
  10. luque

    A Selection Of My Fish And Tank Pictures. 27 Pics

    cool tanks, lots of fry :crazy: :hyper:
  11. luque

    My First Tropical Fish Tank

    love the tank well done, and nice fry! great hiding place for them :good:
  12. luque

    Cool Picture

    :lol: i did'nt see the people for about a minute :lol: :lol:
  13. luque

    Antisocial Clown Loach

    maybe just the loach's personality, also a black ghost knife fish is not a community fish as it will probably eat the neons etc, also they can grow up to 20" :/
  14. luque

    Do Frozen Food Have An Expiry Date?

    should be able to last for ages if frozen i would think
  15. luque

    New Tank, Fish Advice.

  16. luque

    What To Get?

    sorry to hear for your loss, maybe a lizard of some kind, how big is the tank?
  17. luque

    Choose Best Kitty Pic

    6 or 11, nice pics lovely cat
  18. luque

    New Stock Tonight!

    would go with angels as they are unique in shape and lovely IMO
  19. luque

    How Often To Feed Your Fish?

    i feed every other day until they don't want anymore
  20. luque

    My Babies!

    just noticed that, :lol: does look really good i like it :good:
  21. luque

    Swordtails Doing Fine

    good luck hope all goes well for you :good:
  22. luque

    Can You Feed Guppies Spinach?

    why burnt? i don't think they would like it, it would be like eating burnt toast or something (not too nice) but saying that you could try and see what happens
  23. luque

    I Need A Filter

    do you want an internal, or external? external being more expensive but are better, etc
  24. luque

    Red Eyed Tetras Acting Weird.

    have you cycled this tank, because i think it may do with something like ammonia poisoning :crazy:
  25. luque

    You Favorite Goldfish

    love most goldfish however not the really messed up ones, for example bubble eyes, and the ones without the dorsal fins :angry:
  26. luque

    Brown Spot

    i ahve the same, on my tank that finished it cycle today :P :kana: , and i have the same stuff, i hust introduced 3 ottos, and there goin mad for it!!
  27. luque

    Most Popular Common Livebearer Need More Votes!

    platys as they are coluful in male and female :good:
  28. luque

    Wild Strain Endlers.

    yer i heard that when i was looking, and lfs tricked me into buying "wild caught" which turned out werent :angry: , but thats how i learnt about them being hybrids. :good:
  29. luque

    Wild Strain Endlers.

    they would of already been hybrid when you bought them.
  30. luque

    Guppy Record

    exactly what i was going to ask :lol: congrats though :good:
  31. luque

    My Red Sword Moved To New Tank

    wow thats red, lovely sword nicest i've seen!! :hyper:
  32. luque

    Wild Strain Endlers.

    pretty sure they are hybrid, nice fish though :good:
  33. luque

    Guppy Question And Pictures Of Platy And Molly Fry

    agreed :good: , not too prgnant, congrats on the fry!!
  34. luque

    Your Favourite

    Great white shark!! :hyper:
  35. luque

    Wild Strain Endlers.

    The endlers in lfs's are usually hybrids, you can tell if they have a sword on there back fin
  36. luque

    My Babies!

    awesome pets!
  37. plantpot_2.JPG


  38. luque

    January Potm Nominations

    this is millie, as nominated here
  39. luque

    My Dog

    not sure about that sorry, Umm she was having one of her mad hours and she kind of just got in their, and we looked at her and started to laugh, and i think thats why she looks puzzled lol. thank you for the nominations :thanks: :flowers:
  40. luque

    Please Vote

    wow never really thought about it. :unsure: probably still won't, i've not been doing it for 2 years and i'm fine so why start now :lol: