Wild Strain Endlers.

Hmm. Reckon i can find wild strain in petshops?

I only want about 4 you see...

Thanks for the offer.much appreciated.I'll bear it in mind!
Is there a diffrence between just Endlers and wild strain Endlers?
The endlers in lfs's are usually hybrids, you can tell if they have a sword on there back fin
This is what my pair of endlers are like


And i got more like this

My enlders have not been bred with anyother fish like guppies.

I keep them seperate fom my guppies now at all times., only time i put a guppy in with them is if i want to try and breed a virgin female with a specific guppy i got, just to see what diffrent types of colours i can get out of them.
Done a little more research and some sources suggest they are really rare and hardly ever found in fish stores.Scrap that idea then.
yer i heard that when i was looking, and lfs tricked me into buying "wild caught" which turned out werent :angry: , but thats how i learnt about them being hybrids. :good:
Couldnt say 100%,

all i know is that The endlers my local fish store sells are , Endlers (poecilia wingei) and they are not guppies as most people think.

This is the ones i have got and moat people who like this fish will not breed them with guppies (although i only do it to experiment)

I still keep my endlers seperate as i sell them on to people and my LFS

Lovely fish, well worth getting imo

These are the same as mine and these are proper ones Poecilia_wingei_2.jpg

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