Search results

  1. luque

    Big Fish

    Did anyone see that documentry "ocean in a glass"? it was a mazing, they had a great white shark in there until it had to be rehomed to the sea due to eating a tuna :lol: the way they filtered it erc, was by pipe work direct from the sea :hyper: they also had a kind of pump that produced...
  2. luque

    My New Cichlid Tank (update)

    looks really nice, :nod:
  3. luque


    looking forward to seeing the end product :good:
  4. luque


    :no: :sad: :sad: :no: sorry to hear that
  5. luque

    Big Fish

    how many gallons you think it is lol
  6. luque

    No Filter Media

    :lol: was thinking exactly the same, i'm thinking of buying an internal filter for it soon though.
  7. luque

    Christmas Moss?

    just wondering if anyone has any experience with cristmass moss, i bought some on saturday, and i placed it on my rocks, that make my cave, anyway i was just wondering if it has the same type of characteristics as java moss, as in will it grow like mad etc, also is this anygood to make a carpet...
  8. luque

    High Quality Photos

    great pics, love the clown
  9. luque

    The 4 Footer

    looking good can't wait for the final outcome :good:
  10. luque

    Dead Swordtail Fry

    competition for food? theres alot of fish in a small tank -_- hope you find the answer so you can solve this problem :no:
  11. luque

    People's Plans For Next Few Months

    going to try and breed these rare south american chiclids :hyper:
  12. luque


    at my lfs, the main display tank is amazing, and it has i would guess 20 amano shrimp, and they are so lively and swiming, cleaning plants etc etc, although IMO if you do get shrimp, i feel they defianantly need plants
  13. luque

    Camera Experimentation.

    nice photos, gotta love bbg :hyper:
  14. luque

    I Think I Just Screwed Up!

    these get big -_-
  15. luque

    Hi Getting A 65l Tank On Sunday.....

    i have that tank :fun: , do oyu have the undergravel filter? also i would (IMO) add a nice shoal of whatever you want, with two main centerpiece fish of your choice :good:
  16. luque

    Big Fish

    i have one that big in my room :hey: :fun:
  17. luque

    Tank Journal

    nice big tank :good: , and loving the robot :lol:
  18. luque

    My Tank And Owners

    love the bogwood :hyper:
  19. luque

    Converted Community Tank To Cichlid Tanks

    nice, what else will you be adding?
  20. luque

    My Tank Rescape!

    nice tank, defo looks better with sand :good:
  21. luque

    Want To Avoid Overstocking

    i would go with roughly 7-8 but what is your filtaration like, as if its good you could well keep more in there.
  22. luque

    Here She Is

    nice! keep us updated, when she gives birth to them :hyper:
  23. luque

    My Female Guppy Released Her First Fry!

    roughly 4-6 weeks, usually about 4 :good:
  24. luque

    We Have Eggs - Thursday - Fry Out Of Eggs!

    cool, good luck with them :good: :good:
  25. luque

    My Tropical Tank

    from what i can see your gravel looks ok, so personally i would get some, anyway good luck on whatever you do :good:
  26. luque

    Fish Jar

    5 gallons? looks smaller than that
  27. luque

    Backtotropical's Main Tank

    looks great :good:
  28. luque

    Some Pics Of My Fish =]

    lovely betta :good:
  29. luque

    Who Am I?

    what am i?
  30. sh.jpg


  31. luque

    How Many Fish Do You Own?

    what do you have? i have 37 :fun:
  32. luque

    Who Am I?

    a plec oif some kind :unsure: albino Bn?
  33. luque

    Who Am I?

    agree with above
  34. luque

    Community Cichlids?

    nice do you have pics?
  35. luque

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    plus another 6 copper harlequins so...... running total= 8451
  36. luque

    Platy Help

    sorry to here that :sad:
  37. luque

    Fantastic Guppy

    i want one :drool: :lol: :fun: :lol: :sad:
  38. luque

    Welcome Erised,

    welcome :fun:
  39. luque

    Who Am I?

    tetra of some sort? don't think it is but glowlight tetra?
  40. luque

    New Plants = Snails :-(

    just feed them alot less, than you normally would and they should go down, this is what i did and they've nearly all gone