

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2008
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Just a fast question do shrimp really do anything are they fun to watch etc or do they just hide away. thanks
Shrimp are scavengers so the do serve the purpose of cleaning up excess food that sinks to the bottom of the tank. Some, such as amano shrimp, also eat algae so yes they can and do serve a purpose AND are fun to watch. They do hide at times but you will see them quite a lot obviously depending on how planted (either real or fake) your tank is.
Some do some don't. I find it really depends on the shrimp/species of shrimp.

I had 2 ghost shrimp, one was always out and about, the other was always in the same spot under a plant.
Ok thanks guys just doing research while I wait for my cycle to end.
at my lfs, the main display tank is amazing, and it has i would guess 20 amano shrimp, and they are so lively and swiming, cleaning plants etc etc,
although IMO if you do get shrimp, i feel they defianantly need plants
at my lfs, the main display tank is amazing, and it has i would guess 20 amano shrimp, and they are so lively and swiming, cleaning plants etc etc,
although IMO if you do get shrimp, i feel they defianantly need plants
my tank that is cycling is planted and all set up I just wish it would hurry up but better save then sorry lol.
I have 5 amano shrimp in my community tank, they are so active!
Great fun to watch. They clean everything constantly, and will eat anything, including any fish food that drops to the bottom.
Earlier this evening I saw a shrimp steal one of the cory's wafers from right under his nose!
I highly recommend you get some as long as they won't get eaten (i.e. you don't get very large fish).
:rolleyes: I love ghost shrimp they are so cute and so much fun to watch. They tend to stay on the bottom but they also will float around.

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