Tank Journal


New Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Hi all,
I've just puchased a new tank (my first!) and thought i'd show each stage of me setting it up, right up to the final stage of filling it with fish. B)

The Tank I decided to get was the Juwel Rio 400.

The First Stage was setting up the cabinet which the tank itself would sit on.
Very straight forward, no problems.


Once the cabinet was done it was time to unwrap the glass tank.


After playing with the bubble wrap I thought it would be a good idea to set up the inbuilt filter while I had the tank on the floor. I'll be running this filter along with a Fluval FX5 External filter, so really this internal one is a backup incase the external should fail.
The corner Internal comes with several layers of sponge media which fit tightly into the filter.


First Problem! :crazy: I break the internal filter while putting it together. :unsure:
I didn't even force it very hard, but it was enough to snap something off which the filter motor itself would connect to.


So after thinking for about a minute, I decided while I have the tank empty and on the floor it would probably be the best time to rip that ugly internal filter out! (I didn't really like it in the first place). :lol:
As the filter box comes siliconed to the glass, to remove I used a wallpaper scraper and some brute strength!


Ta daa! One empty glass tank, which in my opinion looks 10 times better :nod:
This has left me with just one External filter but the FX5 is more then enough and I can always add another backup at a later stage.


The final stage for the day was lifting the glass up onto the cabinet, even though the tank was empty you'll need two strong people for this! I hope the cabinet can take the weight when its full of water!


Thats all for today, next i'll be adding the sand substrate and hooking up the external filter.

till next time :good:
wow very nice!

love the robot toy too HAHAHAAHA
seems like its oging well so far!
what do you plan on stocking it with?
JC :good:
yea its looking great so far :good: and a good job with gettin the filter out. you'd never think it was there in the first place!

and what are ya planning on stocking it with?
haha clearly the robot is well recieved. good job in removing the filter. the tank looks as though it didnt have one to begin with
Hi guys,

Thanks for all the comments, I'll be adding another update soon, this week I've just been ordering all the tank equipment and bits, so lots to do over the weekend! :good:

I plan on a planted tank with...errr, well I don't know really, TBH I havent given fish much thought yet :rolleyes:, I actually live opposite an aquatic place so don't have far to go to have a look :lol:

Suggestions would be cool though!

Small update to the tank

Today I'll be showing the art of sand cleaning :good:

I am using play sand as my tank substrate brought from Argos.


The first step is to fill a bucket half full of sand.


Next add water, and fill the bucket till its full.


You will see the water turn brown and foam, this is what we need to get rid off so the tank water doesn't become the same.


Stir the sand in the water for a minute or two and then pour out the cloudy water.


Repeat this a few times until the water is clear and you can see the sand at the bottom of the bucket.


Next add the sand to the tank and smooth it out across the surface.


And its as simple as that, next i'll be adding some background to my tank and installing the filter.

till next time. :p



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