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  1. AshleySpatula

    What Kind Of Tetra Should I Get

    me, personally really like the black neons, and glowlights. i have also found a website that carries ember tetras and i hope to get some later on their max size is less than an inch and they are almost all red. very cool! hope that helps!
  2. AshleySpatula

    Switching To Eco-complete

    so i ordered some eco complete and my tank is cycled after loosing many fish (didnt know bout the fishless cycle i found this site shortly after getting the fish :sad: i have four black neon tetras left in my 20g and thats all thats gonna be in there for a while. they also survived the great...
  3. AshleySpatula


    i was wondering about this as well my landlord owns a rock shop/fossils, gems store and i got a few rather large, heavy pieces of petrified wood that i put in my tank. i dont seem to have any problems but i was worried about all that wieght, i made a little cave by putting two next to each...
  4. AshleySpatula

    Fish Online

    i just read the thread about the problems with aquascape and the jack dempsy and it's odd because just last night i was reading about how the electric blue's are some kind of genetic thing and the ones that have this often have problems with not eating and being hard in general to care for. ( i...
  5. AshleySpatula

    Spotted African Leaf Fish

    which ones stay small would the Ctenopoma acutirostre be ok with tetras? i saw some in a fish store the other day that had longer side fins that were really round, they kinda reminded me of the saltwater clown fish side fins with how they were shaped and the way they moved them, and they were...
  6. AshleySpatula

    Some Questions About Snails

    i saw the little pea sized ramshorns at a lps and when i bought some plants asked if they could throw some in and they did, well that day i also got a few fish in which there were some very tiny trumpets, my roommate put in what looked like a bladder/tadpole snail or a pond snail (similar shell...
  7. AshleySpatula

    Little Pink Feeder Minnows

    thanks! cool about how big do they get, they all seem to be about an inch or so long in the pet store, is that about how big they get?
  8. AshleySpatula

    Little Pink Feeder Minnows

    i see it at all the chain pet stores they have a tank of feeder goldfish, then the pink 'minnow' fish i think they kinda look like danios (body shape anyways) they are kinda cute, pink and a little shimmery and i am thinking, if i get a few and quarantine for them for like a month or so just to...
  9. AshleySpatula

    Acquired Used 30g

    ok cool so some bleach or vinegar, lots and lots of rinsing and a heater, i read that 'ideal' temp for the rams and the tetras is around 72-79 degrees and the thermometer on the side of my 20g says it's 84 degrees, it's hot and humid 90 degrees outside so i am assuming that the heater will...
  10. AshleySpatula

    Acquired Used 30g

    my first tank is a 20g 'kit' that came with everything... so i didnt have to pick out parts, but now a friend from work gave me a 30g. it's a little dirty, has some calcium build up and is leaky. what is the best way to clean it? how do i find the leaks so i can seal them? it only came...
  11. AshleySpatula

    Snail Problem...

    that and it takes a while to see them, i have had the smaller ramshorns in my tank for many weeks now, have seen lots of egg sacks come and go (only have tetras that i dont think eat baby snails) and just recently have started to see a tiny white spot here and there, i have to use a magnafier to...
  12. AshleySpatula

    I Have A Challenge For Ya X

    it's not really a specific fish but more of a group; but i always thought it was really cool labyrinth fish
  13. AshleySpatula

    Hospital/quarantine Tank

    thanks for the advice i know it would be tempting to add fish to a constantly running hospital lol i think what i am gonna do is set it up, cycle it, and when i am done stocking my 20g and 29g i will move the filter media to a filter in one of the bigger tanks and drain it till it's needed...
  14. AshleySpatula

    Hospital/quarantine Tank

    i read a pinned topic last night saying to keep your hospital tank in storage till needed, but aren't the hospital tank and the quarantine tank the same thing? i have a 20g that i will be adding fish to in a couple weeks and i hear it's a good idea to quarantine fish store fish for at least a...
  15. AshleySpatula

    How Many Gallons Is This Tank?

    that link doesnt work for me
  16. AshleySpatula

    Is My New Boy A Tail Biter? Pix

    when my betta had fin rot i used Maracyn and before the five day treatment was even over i noticed it had stopped tearing and started growing back, his tail is almost fully intact again.
  17. AshleySpatula

    Betta Bulbs, And A Few Other Q's

    thats it! ok i will try that.
  18. AshleySpatula

    Betta Bulbs, And A Few Other Q's

    thanks for the info guys :) very helpful, now my new question is... i just got some pearlgrass that i ordered in the mail and it looks like a clump of sprouts (like the kind people put on salads) it's like an unending tangle of plant and roots. i want to try to untangle it but whats the best...
  19. AshleySpatula

    Snail Mystery

    when i bought some plants from the lfs i asked for a few of the european ramshorns as they dont get very big at all. every few days or so i will see a new little 'egg sack' on the glass or somewhere around the tank but a few days later it will be gone. this has been going on for about a month...
  20. AshleySpatula

    Found Rocks

    cool lol thanks! i dont think there is any limestone though one looks to be a hunk of quartz, another one is green and lumpy almost like turquise but not blue... i think they will look awesome in my tank!
  21. AshleySpatula

    Found Rocks

    just drop vinegar on em? then what do i look for?
  22. AshleySpatula

    Found Rocks

    there is a dry riverbed near my house ( i live in AZ and the only time there is water is when it rains) i found some cool rocks down there and would like to add them to my tank. i figured if i scrub them wet with an old toothbrush then boil them that would get rid of any dirt, algea (there is a...
  23. AshleySpatula

    Test Strips

    well today i did a 25%-30% water change, from what i have seen and i watch my fish alot no one has been bothering the betta... but of course if i see that any of the fish are picking at him i will move him. i read some about nitrite poisoning and none of my fish seem to have any of the...
  24. AshleySpatula

    Betta Bulbs, And A Few Other Q's

    i dont think my fish are rooting them up i have small fish like tetras, danios and a male betta. i see most of my snails now, so i think they are all safe and my gravel right now is about pea sized. but those european ramshorns only get to be a bit bigger than a pea! thats why i like em. cute...
  25. AshleySpatula

    Test Strips

    i DO have fish and i dont want them to die. how do i lower the nitrites?? i have about 4 or 5 plants and 14 small fish (tetras, danios, one male betta)
  26. AshleySpatula

    C Aeneus

    wierd, to me it looks like it has no eyes. in all the pictures!
  27. AshleySpatula

    Test Strips

    i bought the all in one test strips that test everything but amonia. i just did a 25% water change and tested the water after about an hour and these were the results. nitrate 20 nitrite somewhere between 1.0 and 3.0 total hardness 300 chlorine 0 total alkalinity 120 ph 7.8-8.4 range what i am...
  28. AshleySpatula

    Betta Bulbs, And A Few Other Q's

    so before i bought my 20g i had a few bettas in bowls. i saw this little package with what looked like little turds in it called 'Betta Bulbs' it said 'guaranteed to grow plants in 30 days.' they were cheap so i bought some. they DID grow plants, and ones that weren't too bad looking at that...
  29. AshleySpatula

    Glofish Whats Up With Them?

    seeing as how the color is natural, does not harm the fish or the enviroment and is carried through to offspring, and has been reviewed by the FDA along with other government associations and they find nothing wrong with the fish and think it's allright to sell them then i really dont see the...
  30. AshleySpatula

    Glofish Whats Up With Them?

    with the GLOfish, they are not dyed, i read a few articles about them and from my understanding they were injected with jellyfish DNA by a scientist/teacher that was trying to make it easier to study them?? so since it's in thier DNA... the color will not fade like dye and they can reproduce...
  31. AshleySpatula

    Glofish Whats Up With Them?

    i have a 20g with 7 glowlight tetras, 2 whiteclouds, and 1 black noen (whiteclouds were supposed to be black neons but girl at pet store screwed up) the other day i was at the pet store and again saw the GLOfish... the extremely bright pink yellow and orange genetically? (DNA) altered n zebra...
  32. AshleySpatula

    Please Id

    wow i have never seen these guys in a pet/fish store anywhere! where can you get em?
  33. AshleySpatula

    New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

    ok i talked to my roommate about the crab thing and we agreed to get a 10g and set it up for the crabs. should i do a water change after i am done medicating the water? or should i wait a while before i change any water?
  34. AshleySpatula

    New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

    well the crab is a red claw crab, and is sold at the pet stores as aquatic, and i have seen them on some websites as aquatic. my roommate has one in his tank and it has almost doubled in size since he has had it. the problems that i asked the questions about were the cloudiness of the water...
  35. AshleySpatula

    New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

    errrg i have been having a few little problems... so tank has been set up for like two weeks now. i have my betta, crab and a few plants to start with. i wanted to get a few tetra so i went to the store and what i had ASKED for was three black neons and three glowlights. but they had 3-4...
  36. AshleySpatula

    Noooooo! Is This Duckweed?

    okee dokee captain i will be removing all i can today! i want a planted tank (only a few plants so far) so i want them to get their light! and i cant get a gourami yet bcus i still have my betta in there.
  37. AshleySpatula

    My New 2.5 Planted Tank

    i think i recently bought that sword plant. if they are all connected they are what the girl at the pet store called 'chain sword'. it wont stay planted in my gravel it just keeps popping out and floating around. the tetras seem to like it though so this time i'll let it float a few days...
  38. AshleySpatula

    Noooooo! Is This Duckweed?

    is it really that bad?? i recently bought a few tetras from a local pet store and there were about 10-15 of those little things in the bag that ended up in my tank, at first i was like 'awe how cute little floatie plants' but if they take over your tank i should remove it right? especially if i...
  39. AshleySpatula

    New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

    welllll.... then i am glad to see i made much better choices this time. i am definatly going to wait on the danios and the licorice gourami. and i plan on just buying the fish here and there (but buying the tetras and group fishies together of course) i think i want to start with the glass...
  40. AshleySpatula

    New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

    ok so i now know that my original cast was horrible. here is the new possible line up and hopefully this selection will get better reviews? i am going to move the betta because i like the idea of gouramis. 2 powder blue dwarf gouramis 5 indian glass fish 4 zebra danios (maybes) 1 sabertooth...