Found Rocks


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
there is a dry riverbed near my house ( i live in AZ and the only time there is water is when it rains)
i found some cool rocks down there and would like to add them to my tank.

i figured if i scrub them wet with an old toothbrush then boil them that would get rid of any dirt, algea (there is a little water in the river bed) and anything else that might be bad.

would that be ok?
i collected rocks from the rivers edge for my turtle tank, and i just did a little washing in hot water and it was fine
they could still have bad minerals in them, there are other tests that can be done on them, you'll have to research them more.
a vinegar test, to make sure theres no limestone or what ever
im not sure, ive never done it. supposibly its acidic and it will.. evaporate or something lol
cool lol thanks! i dont think there is any limestone though one looks to be a hunk of quartz, another one is green and lumpy almost like turquise but not blue...
i think they will look awesome in my tank!
i live in az too..

i did the same -

but i got a bunch of rocks - put them in a trash can filled with 25% bleach(mixed with water)
after that poured vingar on it and if it fizzes then its bad.
Then boiled it
But i choose river rock- the smooth kind and it looks nice
If you put vinegar onto some limestone it will erode it because it is carboniforous.

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