Little Pink Feeder Minnows


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
i see it at all the chain pet stores they have a tank of feeder goldfish, then the pink 'minnow' fish i think they kinda look like danios (body shape anyways)
they are kinda cute, pink and a little shimmery and i am thinking, if i get a few and quarantine for them for like a month or so just to make
sure they are ok (specially from a feeder tank they usually dont care for them much) they would do ok with tetras?
plus they are only like 12 cents which is cool.
what do you guys think?
They are rosey reds, and do well in schools. They are eally hardy and i have yet to see a sick one at my lfs. The betta will probably injure them or kill them.
thanks! cool about how big do they get, they all seem to be about an inch or so long in the pet store, is that about how big they get?
They can get 3 inches, I've purchased some from petco that are a good 2 inches, although they aren't all that common in shipments mostly young ones are shipped out. They do wonderful in good sized groups. I know my bettas would chase them. Both the males and the females didn't like them but they generally will go with other fish just the same (they are coldwater, but will do fine at warmer temps). Treat them like white clouds IMO.
They can get larger than 3 inches as they are a "goldfish" species, I've personally seen these red rosys, or Fat head minnows at 4-5", and about 1/2" thick.
i have a shoal of 15 in my pond, they are very hardy and are quite active, (bought from fishing shop as fish bait)

oh yea and they are the same thing as a fathead minnow, just a red strain of there genes are visable. same thing people
lol i used to feed those to my pet bluegill bluegills are good pets same as bass
did u try shrimp my bluegil loved shrimp i dont have one anymore but they are fun
lol you guys are in the uk arnt you??? where i live i could go get one any time i wanted (back yard is a city pond).
Thats how i got mine lol im from ohio catch yourself a baby one teach to eat shrimp flake feeder guppies when it get bigger feed it rosy reds shrimp and flakes and they need to be in a 20 long aquairum 30x12x12 with a powerful filter like a whisper 30-40 gal filter because they can be dirty
Be sure to quarantine your rosy reds if you buy any. They are 12 cents because they are usually used as feeder fish, and since they are only worth 12 cents, they are kept in very crowded tanks where diseases can spread incredibly fast. So, be sure to quarantine them before introducing them to your main tank.

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