New 20g And The Fish I Want, These Ok?

welllll.... then i am glad to see i made much better choices this time. i am definatly going to wait on the danios and the licorice gourami. and i plan on just buying the fish here and there (but buying the tetras and group fishies together of course) i think i want to start with the glass fish. my roommate has some and i think they are super cool.
errrg i have been having a few little problems... so tank has been set up for like two weeks now. i have my betta, crab and a few plants to start with. i wanted to get a few tetra so i went to the store and what i had ASKED for was three black neons and three glowlights. but they had 3-4 different types of tetras in one tank and i ended up with one black noen, three glowlights and two that i have not been able to identify yet.
(the plan was to buy 3 black neons, 3 glowlights and return the next week for three of each more to have a total of six each)

i have looked at a few pages that show different types of tetras and i have found a few with red tails but none that look just like these.
i have also found that two of my plants are not even water plants but house plants sold as water plants at petco... thanks to another thread on here and i will soon be removing them

my betta has a case of fin rot. at first i thought maybe he had a tiff with the crab but it kept getting worse so my roommate looked and told me it was fin rot.
i bought a pack of Maracyn and have been treating the water. after the third day of treatment i woke up to extremely clouded water. is this caused by the Maracyn?

when i bought the tetras i also bought some chain sword plants and they will absolutly not stay planted. they are now floating around the top. and with those i seem to have acquired some snails. i have identified them as european ramshorn snails. i have read that they dont get much bigger than a pea and dont really eat plants and bettas will usually eat their babies. so i am not too worried bout em. if i have to i will get a loach.

what should i do about the cloudy water, chain sword not staying down and what the hell are these fish i have??? once the water clears i can take a pic but i really want to take care of the water problem first.
well the crab is a red claw crab, and is sold at the pet stores as aquatic, and i have seen them on some websites as aquatic. my roommate has one in his tank and it has almost doubled in size since he has had it.

the problems that i asked the questions about were the cloudiness of the water and such. and what i should do about that. is the cloudiness from the finrot meds that i put in the water and how do i clear it up? would doing a partial water change defeat the purpose of the medications?

i think the unidentified fish in my tank are white clouds. i saw some today that are the closest thing that resemble them.
The red claw is absolutely not aquatic.

The cloudiness is from the medication. Read the instructions/label for the medication, it probably mentions it.
ok i talked to my roommate about the crab thing and we agreed to get a 10g and set it up for the crabs.
should i do a water change after i am done medicating the water? or should i wait a while before i change any water?

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