Glofish Whats Up With Them?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Tucson!, AZ
i have a 20g with 7 glowlight tetras, 2 whiteclouds, and 1 black noen (whiteclouds were supposed to be black neons but girl at pet store screwed up)

the other day i was at the pet store and again saw the GLOfish... the extremely bright pink yellow and orange genetically? (DNA) altered n zebra danios.
i would usually not buy the altered fish (like dye injected ones) but they always catch my eye and i really like the pink ones and they were 10.99 or 3 for 14.99...
so i gave in and bought three.

these fish are MEAN! i thought zebra danios were supposed to be tropical community/ peaceful fish. all my other fish are huddled in the corners since i put them in, they chase the white clouds all over and they 'patrol' in a circle in the center of the tank.

whats up with that?
That is the dirty little secret of Zebra Danios...they can be "overly playful", and territorial. The only reason the territory of the dominant female in my Danio pack lost her territory space was the introduction of a bigger badder fish. (Which I don't necessarily recommend, although my tank is now much more peaceful lol)

There are several methods of "territory reassignment" you can try which include rearranging the tank decorations, removing the danios for a period of time to let the other fish try to claim spots, or dividing the tank for a little while, but none of the solutions may be permanent.
aren't all the bright ones dyed?
with the GLOfish, they are not dyed, i read a few articles about them and from my understanding they were injected with jellyfish DNA by a scientist/teacher that was trying to make it easier to study them??

so since it's in thier DNA... the color will not fade like dye and they can reproduce and creat other glofish. FAQ about the glowfish. cool stuff.
every person that buys a DNA altered fish makes the industry continue to live.
I say stop buying and make it collapse. Every single person makes a difference. :(
You should have at least 5 or 6 Zebra Danios to a tank to keep them happy as they are schoaling fish and usually keep themselves to themselves. The dominant female can be a bit of a cow sometimes but my one seems to have decided to give up trying these days.

I don't see the problem with genetically altered fish, it's the dye process that I find repulsive.
seeing as how the color is natural, does not harm the fish or the enviroment and is carried through to offspring, and has been reviewed by the FDA along with other government associations and they find nothing wrong with the fish and think it's allright to sell them then i really dont see the problem.
they never hurt the fish, the florescent DNA (from jellyfish) was injected to the eggs, and the fish (before available to the public) were being used to study and help the enviroment.

their life expectancy and temperment is said to be the same as the regular zebra danios. now i just wonder if i bought regular zebra danios would they schoal together?? lol
i saw some today at the LFS and they just don't look right, and can only imagine seeing them in one of those little Pirate or cutsie 1.5g plastic tanks that are so horrible.

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